AW: reifiesDomain-14 (Re: proposal: a reifier should reify only one "thing")

I have a question on
The issue is not that it bothers LPG viewers, but whether this can be rendered in RDF-Star. If you take this assumption naively (a direct translation) this becomes:

<< :m | :liz :marriedTo :richard >> :from 1964; :to 1975 .
<< :m | :liz :marriedTo :richard >> :from 1986 .

Could a non naive translation make use of different triple occurrences

 _:a :occurrenceOf << :m | :liz :marriedTo :richard >>; :from 1964; :to 1975 .
 _:b :occurrenceOf << :m | :liz :marriedTo :richard >>; :from 1986 .

  *   Felix

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2024 21:09:09 UTC