Re: Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly meeting

I decided to go through the minutes meticulously and found some issues.

In the minutes of the meeting 4 April, there is this:

"niklasl: Q - does this there is mean the specs are still still RDF 1.2?"

It is poetic but gibberish.

There is also a "+1" dangling with no name assigned to it.

I notice that my question about what class 4 means and my asking why we 
are discussing this was edited out apparently. With the context of what 
precedes, the conversation is clear enough, so that's not a big deal.

At the end, there is TallTed asking about the issue entry with title 
"TH", but there isn't anything recorded on the conversation. The entry 
is still there, and it seems like a bug.

In the minutes of 11 April, there is:

"… can't understand the extended scenario helps given customer 
discussions." which is reporting on what Ora is saying. I don't 
understand, something seems odd like a negation that should not be 
there, or something missing.

Interestingly, pfps says he has sound problems and I think he only 
expressed himself by writing. This makes his interventions way more 
understandable than those who were speaking and being transcribed by the 


Le 16/04/2024 à 16:50, Adrian Gschwend (W3C Calendar) a écrit :
> View this event in your browser 
> <>
>   RDF-star WG biweekly meeting ^Upcoming ^Confirmed
> 18 April 2024, 12:00 -12:55 America/New_York
> Event is recurring every other week on Thursday, starting from 
> 2023-11-16, until 2024-12-31
> RDF-star Working Group <>
>     Agenda
>  1. Approval of minutes from the last two meetings: 1
>     <>, 2
>     <>
>  2. Proposal for next week's discussion 3 <TBD>
>  3. Review of open actions, available at 4
>     <>
>  4. Review of pull requests, available at 5
>     <>
>  5. Issue Triage, available at 6
>     <>
>  6. Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting
> Scribe: Champin, Pierre-Antoine (alternate: Williams, Gregory)
> Next week's scribe: Williams, Gregory (alternate: Bremer, Erich)
>     Joining Instructions
> Instructions are restricted to meeting participants. You need to log in 
> <> to see them.
>     Participants
>       Groups
>   * RDF-star Working Group <>
>     (View Calendar <>) 
> Report feedback and issues on GitHub <>.

Antoine Zimmermann
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
CS 62362
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 49 97 02

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2024 15:39:51 UTC