from April 2024 by subject

[a] way forward

[External] : Re: use of multi-valued rdf:reifies removes ability to annotate individual triple-patterns

A few thoughts on RDF-star, Reification, and Labeled Property Graphs

a modest proposal - eliminate reifiers completely

A single reifier can reify more than one triple term

Adjusting the suggested RDF-star naming notation

An LPG multiedge reification use case

AW: A few thoughts on RDF-star, Reification, and Labeled Property Graphs

AW: Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly meeting

AW: Local community feedback on current proposal

AW: LPG-RDF1.2 interoperability is already nontrivial due to weakness of LPG edge-property vs RDF1.2 statement-about-statement

AW: possible stances with respect to multiple reification

AW: proposal: a reifier should reify only one "thing"

AW: reifiesDomain-14 (Re: proposal: a reifier should reify only one "thing")

AW: This week's discussion

AW: Understanding reifiers and edges

Community impressions

Community input to current discussion

Different properties related to well-formedness

Event Invitation: RDF-star WG biweekly focused meeting

Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly focused meeting

Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly meeting

illegality of multiple reification

Is it even possible to align RDF with LPGs via reification?

Local community feedback on current proposal

LPG-RDF1.2 interoperability is already nontrivial due to weakness of LPG edge-property vs RDF1.2 statement-about-statement

My opinion of today on the profiles proposal

need for reifiers

possible stances with respect to multiple reification

proposal: a reifier should reify only one "thing"

Question on transformation of multiple triple reifier to single triple reifier

rdf:reifies many-to-many vs. many-to-one


Regrets X3

reifiesDomain-14 (Re: proposal: a reifier should reify only one "thing")

restrict rdf:reifies to many-to-one and use rdf:memberReifier to allow multi-set of triple-terms

Suggestion reintroducing triple terms, dropping rdf:reifies

Support for reified sets

The singleton property option

The way forward

This week's discussion

Understanding reifiers and edges

use of multi-valued rdf:reifies removes ability to annotate individual triple-patterns

What does it mean to refiy several things? (Re: A few thoughts on RDF-star, Reification, and Labeled Property Graphs)

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 April 2024 19:46:57 UTC