from January 2016 by subject

[aapi] Minutes: UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue Jan 12, 2016

[aapi] Minutes: UAI TF Meeting Tue Jan 19, 2016

[aapi] Minutes: UAI TF Meeting Tue Jan 26, 2016

[aapi] UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue Jan 12, 2016

[aapi] UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue Jan 19, 2016

[aapi] UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue Jan 26, 2016

[nvda] NVDA incorrectly announces the presence of empty Alert live regions when dynamically added to the DOM (#5657)

[REVIEW REQUESTED] Action-1672: Mark aria-grabbed and aria-dropeffect as deprecated

[REVIEW REQUESTED] Re: aria-ACTION-2004: Create proposal for password role

[RFC] Making default spinbutton values more consistent with the defaults for HTML5's input type="number"

[UPDATED][REVIEW REQUESTED] Re: aria-ACTION-2004: Create proposal for password role

Action 1585 draft


ACTION-1380 and ACTION-1700

ACTION-1380 Proposed text

ACTION-1569: Create a section that describes AAPI differences

Agenda for Monday, 11 January 2016 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Agenda for Monday, 25 January 2016 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Agenda for Monday, 4 January 2016 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Agenda: February 4, 2015 WAI-ARIA Working Group

Agenda: January 14, 2015 WAI-ARIA Working Group

Agenda: January 21, 2015 WAI-ARIA Working Group

Agenda: January 28, 2015 WAI-ARIA Working Group

Agenda: January 28, 2015 WAI-ARIA Working Group (revised - see aria-busy resulting from TPAC review)

Agenda: January 28, 2015 WAI-ARIA Working Group (second revision)

APG: EditorConfig support

ARIA read me to do's

ARIA roles in WAI-ARIA Graphics Module working draft

aria-ACTION-2002: Own issue 1001 and will follow up with aria wg

aria-ACTION-2003: Work up some editorial approaches and return back to the group with those thoughts

aria-ACTION-2004: Create proposal for password role

aria-ACTION-2005: Solicit input regarding making default spinbutton values more consistent with the defaults for HTML5's input type="number"

aria-ACTION-2006: Draft proposal for group review

aria-ACTION-2007: Rewrite proposal to take into account that an img with source svg has no children and also to address the required owned elements

aria-ACTION-2008: Handle concept of description property for UIA

aria-ISSUE-1002: Spin Button default values inconsistent with HTML5 [ARIA 1.1]

aria-ISSUE-1004: Add language to spec clarifying there may be exceptions to exposure [ARIA 1.1]

aria-ISSUE-1005: Consider password role [ARIA 1.1]

aria-ISSUE-1006 (children presentational = true not consistent): The roles that include children presentational = true are not consistent [ARIA 1.1]

aria-ISSUE-1007: aria-errormessage must require that the message be visible [ARIA 1.1]

aria-ISSUE-1008: Write link type ARIA attribute proposal [ARIA 1.1]

aria-ISSUE-1009: Define a role or attribute that defines an extended description [ARIA 1.1]

AT implementer woes with acc names

code samples for extended description

Data Grid Features

Draft Minutes for 28 January

Draft update to landmarks section for APG 1.1

grids vs sortable tables

Issue with ARIA 1.1 regarding which roles include children presentational = true ?

ISSUE-1001: Aria-haspopup should use aria-controls instead of aria-owns for its relationship mechanism

ISSUE-1010: Add and error role

January 21, 2016 ARIA meeting minutes

JQuery-UI Calendar widget accessibility

Making Accessible Images available from HTML <img>

Menu Button example for review in today's APG teleconference

menu button example for the APG review

Minutes for Monday, 11 January 2016 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Minutes for Monday, 25 January 2016 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Minutes for Monday, 4 January 2016 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Minutes: January 14, 2015 WAI-ARIA Working Group

new IA2 landmark role

Proposed combobox example for the APG review

Reminder: No APG Call Monday Jan 18, US Holiday

role="text" and text frames

Tracker stuff migrated from PF

Update frequency for APG

Updated APG snapshot

Updated content for form landmark

updating editors drafts

Why does the button role have children presentational="true"?

Last message date: Saturday, 30 January 2016 18:12:57 UTC