aria-ISSUE-1007: aria-errormessage must require that the message be visible [ARIA 1.1]

aria-ISSUE-1007: aria-errormessage must require that the message be visible [ARIA 1.1]

Raised by: Richard Schwerdtfeger
On product: ARIA 1.1

It is possible to map aria-errormessage such that it leverages the aria-describedby relationship by placing an object property on the target description. This would allow a separate mapping of a describedby relationship without a considerable change in the accessibility API. 

However, in order for the relationship to occur it must be visible as it would be hidden in the accessibility tree and not "stringified". 

In principle this should happen as the error message would need to be visible to everyone and often these error messages would be in live regions. 

We should also stipulate that the error message not be empty. 

This issue came up in the Core AAM mapping spec. 

Received on Tuesday, 19 January 2016 22:24:07 UTC