[REVIEW REQUESTED] Action-1672: Mark aria-grabbed and aria-dropeffect as deprecated

Hey all.

Links below, but the text is short so I'll also paste it here:

The aria-dropeffect property is expected to be replaced by a new feature
in WAI-ARIA 2.0. Authors are therefore advised to treat aria-dropeffect
as deprecated.

The aria-grabbed state is expected to be replaced by a new feature in
WAI-ARIA 2.0. Authors are therefore advised to treat aria-grabbed as

A deprecated role, state, or property is one which has been outdated by
newer constructs or changed circumstances, and which may be removed in
future versions of the WAI-ARIA specification. User agents are
encouraged to continue to support items identified as deprecated for
backward compatibility.

Branch with draft text:
* https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action-1672/aria/aria.html#aria-dropeffect
* https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action-1672/aria/aria.html#aria-grabbed
* https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action-1672/aria/aria.html#dfn-deprecated


Received on Thursday, 28 January 2016 21:45:42 UTC