from October 2012 by subject

-webkit-image-set help

Call for demos - need your help!

Call for volunteers - wiki maintainers

CFC - Use Cases and Requirements for Standardizing Responsive Images"

Commit history… now on twitter!


First day a TPAC

First logo proposal

Fwd: Print, monochrome, and high-contrast

Fwd: srcset proposal is not fully responsive?

FYI: Use Cases and Requirements for Rdaptive Images

How responsive is responsive?

IRC Log, twitter,

On use cases, was Re: WebP, anyone using it?

Please take a look at: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

Print, monochrome, and high-contrast

Reminder: Review Use Case and Req document

Responsive accessible text

Showing issues directly in spec

src and srcset

Standardisation Process Re: IRC Log, twitter,

The media queries approach… was, Re: How responsive is responsive?

The State of the Picture Specification [via Responsive Images Community Group]

TPAC 2012 - Panel Discussion and meeting with HTMLWG

WebP, anyone using it?

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 23:55:36 UTC