Re: WebP, anyone using it?

Here is the promised, though delayed, summary of feedback we got from Josh Fraser @ Torbit regarding their use of WebP:

see: and
On performance: "WebP can really make a difference when it comes to download size and site performance"
Who is using it: They are serving to "hundreds of sites" and "most of [their] users are taking advantage of WebP, although [they]'ve had some photography sites turn it off because they noticed subtle differences in color that they didn't like."
"Our User-Agent detection code is pretty basic -- we just check for Chrome/Chromium and Opera along w/ version #'s that support it." The client detection is server-side.
An unexpected problem: "The biggest problem we ran into that we didn't expect is the number of people who grab the URL of the image and share it on Facebook, Twitter, email, whatever.  This of course breaks for everyone not using a browser that supports it.  We can serve the images up each time from a single URL based on the User-Agent, but that's not something you can do at the browser level."

This last point is not something I had considered, and it will be an issue to some extent with any responsive image situation with multiple sources. We've filed an issue on GitHub for discussion of this:

On 2012-10-16, at 7:55 PM, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:

> On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 7:00 PM, Marcos Caceres wrote:
>> I'll work together offline with David to come up with some concrete text for the doc and report back once we have something. 
> Further work on this particular use case will be take place on Github, please follow/comment there if interested:
> We'll report back once we have something concrete! 

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2012 17:34:25 UTC