Reminder: Review Use Case and Req document

Hi All,
First, a huge thanks to those who have already reviewed and provided feedback on the Use Cases and Req document. Your review has helped improve the document tremendously!  

If you have not already, this is a call to all members to please review the document carefully:

We would appreciate all reviews be done by Sunday, 21 October. However, if you need more time, please email us and let us know when you could be done by. 

The document is supposed to represent the consensus of the CG, so it's really important that all members have their say about its content (yes, that means you too! :) ). 

If you have any objections to publishing the document or any concerns, please voice them ASAP either on the list or directly to Mat or I. 

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards, 

Ps: if you want to see an example of some reviews:

Marcos Caceres

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 14:16:08 UTC