"to urge, suggest or dictate"
4 May draft of AU Techniques Note available
A public working draft
Accessibility default settings ...
Alerts and Prompts - attempt at a definition
Are you good enough?
are you looking for a pet to adopt?
Authoring Tool presentation slides
Banner Space
Casino Opt-in Email Lists
Checking server-side code
Checkpoint 3.1 Proposed Solution (Action Item)
Cognitive disabilities and the rendering of images
concerns with the Web Content guidelines
Conformance Evaluation
Conformance reviews and developer contacts
consistency of techniques with new definition
definition of "prompt"
Definition of Prompt
Developer feedback on "Techniques for Authoring Tool Accessibility" - 7.1
Dick Brown regrets for conference calls
Do You Need Quality Leads?
E-Marketing Solutions
Email Advertising Special--Ends Friday
ER evaluation of tools
feedback on the techniques for authoring tools Accessibility April 21st, 2000 working draft
For Webmaster and Web Promotion
Free for Your Website!
Frontpage 2000 Conformance review
Fwd: information and registration for ER WG face2face
Good News from College Broadcast!
great web hosting deals
Hear this!
Hello High School Alumni
html converter
if there is a telecon today, i will be late
information and registration for face2face
Internet Seminar-San Diego!
Issue with GL 5
Joint AU/ER teleconferences
- Leonard R. Kasday (Thursday, 1 June)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Jan Richards (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Frederick J. Barnett (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Gregory J. Rosmaita (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Chris Ridpath (Tuesday, 30 May)
- William Loughborough (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Wendy A Chisholm (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Dick Brown (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Tuesday, 30 May)
Joint AU/ER teleconferences - and regrets
Joint teleconference - Agenda
Jutta Regrets
Legal Guidelines (fwd)
Long Descs for Techniques Images
Looking For Financial Freedom?
Meeting reminder
Meeting reminder - Tuesday, 2:30 boston time
meeting today
Meeting Tomorrow
Minnutes etc
Minutes and other matters
Minutes from 6 June AU WG/ER WG meeting
minutes from face2face
minutes from last week
Minutes June 20
minutes of last two meetings..
MS Logo program
New Charter
New Courseware Evaluation Methodology
New draft of Techniques for Authoring Tool Accessibility
next meeting Tues May 23rd
Next weeks meeting.
Please review: proposed agenda for ER/AU f2f
possible regrets for meeting
Prompting Techniques
Prompting Techniques Appendix
- Charles McCathieNevile (Wednesday, 19 April)
- pjenkins@us.ibm.com (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Wednesday, 19 April)
- Jan Richards (Monday, 17 April)
- Jan Richards (Wednesday, 12 April)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Jan Richards (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Marjolein Katsma (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Jan Richards (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Marjolein Katsma (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Jan Richards (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Marjolein Katsma (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Jan Richards (Wednesday, 5 April)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Frederick J. Barnett (Thursday, 4 May)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Jan Richards (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Gregory J. Rosmaita (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Heather Swayne (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Jan Richards (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Heather Swayne (Tuesday, 2 May)
- pjenkins@us.ibm.com (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Frederick J. Barnett (Wednesday, 26 April)
- William Loughborough (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Jan Richards (Wednesday, 26 April)
- Jutta Treviranus (Wednesday, 26 April)
Proposed definition of prompt
Regrets for June 6 and 13
Regrets for meeting
reminder - meeting today
Reminder of upcoming deadlines
Reminder, meeting today
Reminder, meeting tomorrow
Resignation as HWG Representative to WAI Working Groups
Russian girlfriends
Spider Web Woman Designs - Tips, Tricks and Tutorials (fwd)
Techniques draft availablee
Teleconference timing
Teleconference timing - AU 2:30 Tuesdays
Tentative Regrets
test pages for authoring tools.
testing conformance
The Disc Company could save you money on your cd's replication
Thoughts on ERT and AU
Tues May 23rd
WAI 4/25/00 authoring tools group conference call meeting notes
WAI Comments on U.S. Sec.508 NPRM available
We pay cash, now!
Would you like to save 30% on your phone bills and...
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Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2000 09:47:45 UTC