RE: Definition of Prompt

Jutta wrote:
>   We seem to be suggesting that on the one hand prompts require an
>   author response and on the other hand that they are relatively
>   unintrusive and are instruments of encouragement.
>   I think the spirit of what we want is that prompts should provide
>   noticeable encouragement without demanding immediate author response.
>   Therefore I suggest we delete the sentence "A prompt requires author
>   response" from both Definition sections.

Instead of deleting the sentence I believe we can change one word and also
fit with Marjolein definitions of alert and prompt.  In other words, if we
changed the term "requires" to "requests", then the definition of "Prompt"
would read:

A prompt requests an author response.

>   I also suggest that we delete the
>   sentence "However, once the author has ignored the prompt, its
>   message is unavailable" from the technique section, given that that
>   is not always the case with our broader definition of prompt.

Phill agrees

>   In the
>   technique document we also need to make it clear that we are not
>   adhering to the restrictive definition of prompt used in several
>   software development toolkits but a broader definition of prompting.
>   Jutta

Phill agrees

Received on Tuesday, 25 April 2000 12:07:31 UTC