- From: <unknown@bsh.com.au>
- Date: 13 Apr 00 3:33:50 PM
Hi, I found your web site surfing on Yahoo and thought you would be interested in our Lead Generation Service. UMG is a full range list brokerage firm providing Qualified names for all your prospecting needs. We specialize in target marketing and have access to millions of names in which you can cross reference different types of criteria to pinpoint your specific audience. Our data is compiled from various sources such as public real-estate documents, census bureaus, financial publications and direct mail and email respondents. All of these respondents consist of individuals that have provided information about their lifestyles and product usage through detailed surveys. UMG can supply you with a multitude of lists to choose from as well as different formats to accommodate your preferences. UMG CAN GENERATE LEADS ON ALMOST ANY TOPIC. HOWEVER, UMG SPECIALIZES IN: >MLM LEADS >TIME SHARE LEADS >HOME BASE BIZ OPP LEADS >HEALTH/FITNESS LEADS >NETWORK MARKETING LEADS >INVESTMENT LEADS >ENTREPRNEUR LEADS >BUSINESS TO BUSINESS LEADS >GENERAL SALES LEADS LEADS AS LOW AS $1 PER NAME ! ! ALL LEADS ARE FRESH AND EXCLUSIVE -- NEVER RESOLD! UMG HELPS BUSINESSES GROW BY SUPPLYING TOP QUALITY SALES LEADS AT UNBEATABLE PRICES. CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION: 727-593-9978 ==============================================
Received on Thursday, 13 April 2000 15:37:17 UTC