from January 2016 by subject

[directory-upload] Bikeshed: getFilesAndDirectories() (#25)

[directory-upload] easier way to determine if something is a directory? (#24)

[directory-upload] Easier way to get files without complicated asynchronous traversal code (#26)

[directory-upload] It isn't clear whether Directory.path should include the name of the directory itself (#10)

[directory-upload] path 'relative to its root directory' (#6)

[directory-upload] The spec should define integration with FormData (#14)

[DOM-Parsing] Test suite link doesn't link to all the relevant tests (#3)

[dom] Add EventListenerOptions and passive event listeners (#82)

[dom] Added an example showing feature detection with supports() (#144)

[dom] Allow usage of IDL attributes for Element::setAttribute? (#140)

[dom] Clarify what Document constructor does? (#137)

[dom] Close #123: remove feature detection from add() and add supports() (ff4f0e8)

[dom] Consider adding more utils to Elements (#145)

[dom] Consider support for ES2015 iterator protocol for NodeIterator (#147)

[dom] Document.documentURI and Document.URL attributes behaviour (#118)

[dom] Drop "keyevents" as an alias of "keyboardevent" for createEvent (#148)

[dom] Exclude style="" by default from mutation observers (#153)

[dom] Fix #119: Merge DOMSettableTokenList into DOMTokenList (#120)

[dom] Fix #146: Only run adopting steps when changing documents (#151)

[dom] Fix a typo in the replace algorithm (#138)

[dom] fix minor typo (#135)

[dom] Fix some references around Document interface. (#108)

[dom] Fix the set an attribute algorithm (#139)

[dom] Fix typo. (#154)

[dom] Having getElementsByTagName match on localName is not "web"-compatible for IE and Firefox (#143)

[dom] High resolution timing for events (#23)

[dom] Lock a few IDs into place, so a recent Bikeshed update wont' change them. (#152)

[dom] Merge DOMSettableTokenList into DOMTokenList (#119)

[dom] More bikeshed problems (#62)

[dom] Node#baseURI need not be nullable (#131)

[dom] Only run "adopting steps" if oldDocument !== document (#146)

[dom] Proposal to improve the DOM creation api (#150)

[dom] rename before() and after() of ChildNode (#134)

[dom] Resize events needed? (#149)

[dom] setAttributeNode should not change order of existing attributes (#116)

[dom] Small correct for Mutation observers (#132)

[dom] Supported property names for NamedNodeMap (#141)

[dom] Why remove CDataSection? (#142)

[editing] Base definition and ordering of beforeInput/input events should be in UI events, but the editing specific stuff should be in a separate editing spec. (#99)

[editing] beforeInput/input events should be fired for any element with contentEditable enabled, input and textArea elements where input element and textArea will have targetRanges set to null. (#96)

[editing] Cancelable attribute should be removed from the spec because it already referenced in Event.idl (#100)

[editing] Chrome/Safari need to fix a bug. Compositioinupdate is not firing before the compositionend. (#102)

[editing] execCommand('inserttext',...) behavior (#112)

[editing] inputType should be tied to the command names and having that tied to a way of declaring what you support (#110)

[editing] isComposing field should be consistent with the composition events, no need to redefine it. So just provide a reference to spec. (#103)

[editing] Remove ContentEditableTrue (#95)

[editing] rename EditTypes to InputTypes for beforeInput events (#97)

[editing] Revert "Remove ContentEditableTrue" (#111)

[editing] Should DOM be modified before or after compositionupdate? edge/IE do one thing, chrome/saf/firefox do another? (#109)

[editing] We could have "data" property that returns the text/plain version and a dataTransfer field for richer things. (#105)

[editing] We should ensure drag/drop also fires beforeInput (#107)

[editing] We should fire beforeInput event before compositioinupdate. (#101)

[editing] We should keep data in UI events for beforeInput that does the text/plain serialization. We should add dataTransfer to the editing spec for other mime types(html, text with line breaks, etc) (#106)

[editing] We should remove EditTypes/InputTypes it from the UI events spec. It should be specced in editing Spec. (#98)

[editing] We should update the spec with an ImmutableStaticRange that is a subset of the Range interface and return them via the getTargetRanges method. s/ImmutableStaticRange/StaticRange/ in the actual spec (#104)

[editing] • Currently, there are multiple documents that pertain to editing. We should merge all the editing related specs into one (#108)

[encoding] "gb18030 ranges" have problematic definitions (#17)

[encoding] Consider making the DOM name the canonical name (#32)

[encoding] Creating test suites for each encoding. (#30)

[encoding] Fix #17: gb18030 cannot encode U+E5E5 (#25)

[encoding] Fix #22: align with GB18030-2005 (#26)

[encoding] GB 18030 2000 vs 2005 (#22)

[encoding] Introduce "output encoding" (#29)

[encoding] iso-2022-jp encoder XSS risks (#15)

[encoding] Remove the last 14 characters PUA of GB18030-2005 (#27)

[encoding] Replacement encoding should handle empty input better (#33)

[encoding] SHIFT_JISX0213 are not supported. (#31)

[encoding] Use floor() more (#23)

[encoding] What's the correct choice for BIG5 F9FE? (#28)

[fetch] "Let internalResponse be response's internal res..." (#171)

[fetch] "no-cors" and credentials mode (#169)

[fetch] "компания IMG-ФОК " (#195)

[fetch] `user-agent` header control (#37)

[fetch] Aborting a fetch (#27)

[fetch] Add "must-revalidate" to RequestCache enumeration (#165)

[fetch] Add a bit to Opaque Responses to distinguish redirects (#79)

[fetch] add a missing space (#192)

[fetch] Add a way to copy Requests with a different URL (#191)

[fetch] Add option to automatically abort response stream if the data stopped arriving for longer than a specified time (#180)

[fetch] Add option to reject the fetch promise automatically after a certain time elapsed (with no API for arbitrary aborts) (#179)

[fetch] Algorithm for excluded headers in CORS filtered responses is hard to parse (#202)

[fetch] Algorithm for exluded headers in CORS filtered responses is hard to parse (#202)

[fetch] Behavior unspecified with multiple headers with same name (#190)

[fetch] Can headers ordering be lessened? (#189)

[fetch] error types too vague for TLS certificate error (#205)

[fetch] Explain cache modes (#197)

[fetch] Explain some of the design decisions behind CORS (#206)

[fetch] Fix #169: ban combination of "no-cors" and "same-origin" (#193)

[fetch] Fix #197: explain cache modes (a47e1e4)

[fetch] Fix a typo on "constructing a ReadableStream" algorithm (#199)

[fetch] Fix a typo on "constructing a ReadableStream" algorithm. (#199)

[fetch] Give guidance on when flags should be set, for other spec authors (#186)

[fetch] Handling of data URLs (#111)

[fetch] Headers.get/getAll/has do not byte-lowercase the name (#203)

[fetch] Introduce HTTP-redirect fetch (#194)

[fetch] Only append Authorization if none is set (#198)

[fetch] Question about credentials mode of no-cors mode requests. (#168)

[fetch] Question — Why can I not read the stream again ? (#196)

[fetch] Redirect on preflighted CORS requests generally impossible (#204)

[fetch] Replace "flags" with "booleans" (#175)

[fetch] Replace byte stream with ReadableStream. (#200)

[fetch] Request body should be removed when method changed to GET (#187)

[fetch] RequestCache "reload" type must also set no-cache headers (#201)

[fetch] Response.prototype.clone() should take into account the internal response. (#148)

[fetch] RFC: a mechanism to bypass CORS preflight (#210)

[fetch] Should request constructor throw in case of invalid enumeration parameter (#208)

[fetch] Should user be prompted in case Request credentials is set to "omit" (#209)

[fetch] Tests (#62)

[fetch] Update the "determine request's referrer" algorithm link (#188)

[fetch] Use `,` rather than ` ,` for combine operation (#207)

[fetch] Why are headers a special data-structure? (#154)

[FileAPI] Bikeshed the spec (#29)

[FileAPI] Bikeshedding the spec (#5)

[FileAPI] Persistent blob urls (#27)

[FileAPI] Use the W3C logo over https. (#28)

[fullscreen] onway lRmt (#32)

[gamepad] Vibrate feature for Gamepad (#19)

[IndexedDB] Support queries retrieving disjoint sets of keys (#19)

[IndexedDB] Why is delete() disallowed for key cursors? (#62)

[IndexedDB] Why is delete() restricted to IDBCursorWithValue? (#62)

[manifest] Accessible Platform Architectures WG review (#419)

[manifest] Add ack to Dave and myself for HTML5Apps contribution (#418)

[manifest] Add integrity to image objects (#411)

[manifest] Allow developers to detect when the user has added the site to their home screen (or equivalent) (#417)

[manifest] Enable RDFa (#420)

[manifest] Icon schema considerations (#422)

[manifest] Support for deep integrations, e.g. OpenSearch (#421)

[permissions] file says webapps is the WG to call, while document says webappsec (#56)

[permissions] Mediacapture permissions (#57)

[permissions] Update (#58)

[push-api] "the URL-safe base64 encoding" is not defined (#177)

[push-api] A lower level version of #180 (#182)

[push-api] Add applicability statement (#179)

[push-api] Adding base64 reference (#178)

[push-api] Can you change the value of PushSubscriptionOptions (#183)

[push-api] Expose PushSubscriptionOptions value on PushSubscription (#184)

[push-api] Fire pushsubscriptionchange when user revokes permission (#116)

[push-api] It's PushEvent, not PushMessageEvent (#181)

[push-api] Make `` nullable (#161)

[push-api] Provide support for subscription association (#182)

[push-api] Push API - Authenticating to Push Service (#185)

[push-api] Rewriting push event handling; allowing data to be optional. (#166)

[push-api] Voluntary server identification, WebCrypto version (#180)

[selection-api] Add a "Selection interface" section (#29)

[selection-api] Make some arguments optional (#30)

[selection-api] The node argument of collapse and setPosition should be nullable (#64)

[selection-api] The spec doesn't define event handlers onselectstart and onselectionchange (#55)

[ServiceWorker] A header-based SW installation (#685)

[ServiceWorker] Allow custom cache keys for request caching (#805)

[ServiceWorker] Allow waitUntil to be called multiple times, async (#771)

[ServiceWorker] Browser Cache and ServiceWorker (#824)

[ServiceWorker] Cache transactions & fixing `addAll` (#823)

[ServiceWorker] Can create caches in the persistent storage? (#803)

[ServiceWorker] Can we add some options to ClientQueryOptions? (#801)

[ServiceWorker] clarify Request.isReload for sub-resources (#827)

[ServiceWorker] Create F2F agenda (#806)

[ServiceWorker] Define the lifetime of a blob URL created inside a service worker (#688)

[ServiceWorker] Editorial: Reword normative uses of "can" (#795)

[ServiceWorker] ExtendableMessageEvent.source cannot be SameObject (#816)

[ServiceWorker] FetchEvent's constructor's second argument must be optional (#815)

[ServiceWorker] Foreign fetch (#751)

[ServiceWorker] How to deal with cookie bombing (#704)

[ServiceWorker] Implement API to reject PUSH_PROMISEs sent by the server over HTTP/2 (#796)

[ServiceWorker] Installing a foreign SW as part of a subresource request (#825)

[ServiceWorker] Is a new property to get the navigation's target client needed? (#817)

[ServiceWorker] Is fetchEvent.client a performance concern? (#723)

[ServiceWorker] It notes that this is very tightened to the use of promises (#809)

[ServiceWorker] Make the Cache API deal with request's redirect mode not being "follow" (#737)

[ServiceWorker] matchAll() runs Request constructor off the main thread (#672)

[ServiceWorker] MessagePort[] no longer valid in WebIDL (#810)

[ServiceWorker] navigations that are not intercepted should still allow interception on further redirects (#793)

[ServiceWorker] Preventing server-forced updates (#822)

[ServiceWorker] Proposal: Optimized No-Fetch Service Workers (#718)

[ServiceWorker] Race when registering multiple service workers for the same scope (#783)

[ServiceWorker] Receivers of ranged responses must ensure all ranges come from the same underlying resource (#703)

[ServiceWorker] Remove frameType, maybe add ancestorOrigins (#732)

[ServiceWorker] Save initial files into cache storage instead of browser's cache (#820)

[ServiceWorker] Service worker state on system restart (#812)

[ServiceWorker] Should foreign fetch work same-origin? (#826)

[ServiceWorker] Should mixed content always be blocked? (#813)

[ServiceWorker] should subresource FetchEvents trigger an update if 24-hours since last check? (#814)

[ServiceWorker] Should the active worker move to environment settings object? (#811)

[ServiceWorker] should update on navigation or the subsequent updatefound event be delayed until document DOM is loaded? (#788)

[ServiceWorker] should update() during top level script evaluation be ignored? (#800)

[ServiceWorker] skip waiting flag purges active worker early (#821)

[ServiceWorker] The "uninstalling flag" check in ServiceWorkerRegistration.update() should be moved to the Update algorithm (#807)

[ServiceWorker] unregister() in service worker navigation fetch event (#804)

[ServiceWorker] Update service worker with a response object (#819)

[ServiceWorker] Use “service worker” consistently (#818)

[ServiceWorker] What is FetchEvent.clientId for navigation requests (#808)

[ServiceWorker] what should the document base URI for an intercepted navigation (#787)

[ServiceWorker] What's proper SW name? :) (#705)

[ServiceWorker] When does the openWindow promise resolve? (#728)

[spec-reviews] "With Credentials" flag possibly inconsistent with web architecture (#76)

[spec-reviews] Automotive Working Group - API Refactor or Not? (#81)

[spec-reviews] Browser Fingerprinting Document (#38)

[spec-reviews] Create a document to explain web platform async timing entry-points (#100)

[spec-reviews] Credential Management API (#49)

[spec-reviews] Cross-spec device identification & association (#64)

[spec-reviews] CSP (#42)

[spec-reviews] CSS font-display (#71)

[spec-reviews] CSSOM View document.scrollingElement (#51)

[spec-reviews] Feedback on DOMError -> DOMException in Indexed DB (#88)

[spec-reviews] Geofencing FPWD (#89)

[spec-reviews] HTTP 451 Status (#99)

[spec-reviews] HTTP Opportunistic Security (#80)

[spec-reviews] Indexed DB getAll(), openKeyCursor() and objectStoreNames (#84)

[spec-reviews] Network Information API (#86)

[spec-reviews] Performance API review (#83)

[spec-reviews] Performance Observer Review (formerly Navigation Timing 2 concepts) (#18)

[spec-reviews] Potential for coordination about task scheduling (#72)

[spec-reviews] Presentation API Request for Feedback (#61)

[spec-reviews] Privacy Mode (#101)

[spec-reviews] requestIdleCallback (#70)

[spec-reviews] Review FIDO spec (#97)

[spec-reviews] Review FormData additions in XHR (#87)

[spec-reviews] Review Web Annotations specs (#93)

[spec-reviews] Secure / Powerful / Features / Contexts (#75)

[spec-reviews] Security Questionnaire (#77)

[spec-reviews] Sketch out proposals for event synthesis/flow and reusable a11y behavior (#63)

[spec-reviews] Storage persistence (#85)

[spec-reviews] Streams General issue (#92)

[spec-reviews] Unblocking the HTTPS Transitions (#74)

[spec-reviews] W3C Push API - data payloads (#98)

[spec-reviews] Web Background Sync API (#95)

[spec-reviews] WebRTC (#14)

[spec-reviews] Write up the Secure Stop issue for ddorwin (#73)

[streams] Added message to check in bad strategies (#422)

[streams] Byte streams tracking bug (#300)

[streams] Consider moving stuff into ReadableStreamController (#364)

[streams] Description of "pull" is misleading (#425)

[streams] Fill the internal slots section of ReadableByteStreamController (#417)

[streams] Finalize pull/pullInto behavior (#423)

[streams] Fix the spec for the last commit (4ba861e)

[streams] Fix typos (#426)

[streams] Improved tests abour erroring a RS when enqueing (#420)

[streams] Investigate merging RS and RBS (#379)

[streams] Move stuff into controller to make RS and RBS closer (#418)

[streams] Readable byte streams should support an internal queue (#353)

[streams] ReadableByteStream needs reference implementation/tests (#355)

[streams] ReadableByteStream: pull + pullInto or just pullInto (#363)

[streams] Rename ReadableByteStream (#405)

[streams] Revisiting what's reasonable return value for each method of the controller (#424)

[streams] Style guide (#421)

[streams] Target for web-platform-tests streams API tests (#411)

[touch-events] createTouch has all the params as required, should probably have them optional (#58)

[touch-events] rotationAngle range of 0-90 seems counterintuitive - add a diagram? (#53)

[uievents-code] Mismatch between code value, Volume(Down|Up|Mute) and key value AudioVolume(Down|Up|Mut) (#8)

[uievents-key] AudioVolume(Down|Up|Mute) shouldn't be changed from Volume(Down|Up|Mute)? (#14)

[uievents] Add a note to document of default action of KeyboardEvent for allowing UA not to fire key events for some shortcut keys (#65)

[uievents] Broken links make documentation useless (#53)

[uievents] CustomEvent.initCustomEvent() is in DOM (#45)

[uievents] Expose 'direction-inversion' in wheel events (#57)

[uievents] FocusEvent.initFocusEvent is not needed for web compat (#44)

[uievents] Reference to createEvent("FocusEvent") (#41)

[uievents] scroll should be a simple Event not a UIEvent (#47)

[uievents] Should DOM be modified before or after compositionupdate? edge/IE do one thing, chrome/saf/firefox do another? (#66)

[uievents] Should not recommend DocumentEvent.createEvent (#51)

[uievents] We should fire beforeInput event before compositioinupdate. (#67)

[url] "A URL’s port is either null or a 16-bit integer" (#76)

[url] Add a note in the URL parser. (#78)

[url] All instances of %2e in the path should be decoded into `.` (#77)

[url] Confused about the constructor argument types (#80)

[url] IPv4 serializer should use floor(n / 256), not n/256 (#39)

[url] Parsing an empty host (#79)

[webcomponents] [Shadow] activeElement behavior seems to break encapsulation (#358)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: Add "closed" flag to createShadowRoot (bugzilla: 20144) (#100)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: Have a common interface between Document and ShadowRoot (bugzilla: 28493) (#91)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: Need an equivalent definition of 'in a Document' for shadow trees (bugzilla: 26365) (#57)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: Need mechanism to tell if an element in a ShadowRoot has been inserted into the Document (bugzilla: 22141) (#81)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: Need to define what .styleSheets actually does on a shadow root (bugzilla: 27418) (#70)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: Node should expose their scope so that shared state can be scoped to components. (bugzilla: 22080) (#80)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: Style element should specify when to create and add style sheet in shadow DOM (bugzilla: 26850) (#56)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: The return type of Event.path should leverage WebIDL sequences (bugzilla: 25458) (#101)

[webcomponents] [Shadow]: url fragment identifiers should be followed into ShadowDOM (bugzilla: 23161) (#66)

[webcomponents] Add attributeFilter (#367)

[webcomponents] attributeChanged callback should be invoked on every attribute upon creation (#364)

[webcomponents] caretPositionFromPoint, elementFromPoint, and elementsFromPoint should respect shadow boundary (#313)

[webcomponents] Change registries to be per document and never shared between documents (#369)

[webcomponents] Changes to element creation during parsing per F2F (#366)

[webcomponents] Clarify which registry is used for the result of create*Document() (#353)

[webcomponents] Closed flag proposal breaks ability to audit and automate tests of web pages (#354)

[webcomponents] Combining :host-context and :host (#359)

[webcomponents] deepPath should return an empty array if it's no longer being dispatched (#373)

[webcomponents] Define the behavior of '::slotted' (the former name is '::content'). (#331)

[webcomponents] Disallow extension of subclasses of HTMLElement and SVGElement/MathMLElement (#363)

[webcomponents] Event path trimming should only happen for mouseover and mouseout (#330)

[webcomponents] Event path trimming should use `scoped` flag and not rely on trustedness (#372)

[webcomponents] How the current model and the v1 model should interact? (#130)

[webcomponents] HTML Imports bug link is wrong (#371)

[webcomponents] HTML Imports typo: s/altorighm/algorithm (#370)

[webcomponents] HTML Modules proposal. (#360)

[webcomponents] Interaction between CSS and composed tree needs to be better defined (#305)

[webcomponents] It is unclear how tree of tress whose root tree is not a document tree should behave. (#356)

[webcomponents] Need "slotting changed" event (#288)

[webcomponents] ownerDocument of a node in a shadow tree isn't well defined (#303)

[webcomponents] Rename Distributed Nodes Algorithm to Slot Assignment Algorithm (#323)

[webcomponents] Rename registerElement and change API slightly (#365)

[webcomponents] Replace attached/detached callbacks with insertedIntoDocument/removedFromDocument (#362)

[webcomponents] Resize events needed? (#352)

[webcomponents] Restrict the types of nodes that could be assigned to a slot (#351)

[webcomponents] Section 5.7. Retargeting Focus Events is unclear (#374)

[webcomponents] Style attributes in Shadow DOM Cascade Order Proposal (#316)

[webcomponents] Things to definitely document in non-normative notes (#368)

[webcomponents] Treatment of retargeting focus events is ambiguous (#374)

[webcomponents] Update Section 6.2 Focus Navigation to reflect TPAC discussion (#375)

[webcomponents] Use FrozenArray<T> in WebIDL (#361)

[webidl] Add a [SecureContext] operator attribute (#65)

[webidl] Add NotAllowedError exception (#85)

[webidl] All supported property names should be enumerable or none of them (#82)

[webidl] Check if NodeFilter.length is defined correctly. (#83)

[webidl] Fix a typo in a link: "environemnt" (#86)

[webidl] Move the overload resolution algorithm into a separate section. (#77)

[webidl] Promise type on an attribute should be allowed (#71)

[webidl] provide clearer advice about USVString vs. DOMString (#84)

[webidl] Rename Date to LegacyDateDoNotUse, or at least add a big warning (#66)

[webidl] support [Exposed=Worklet] (#87)

[WebPlatformWG] Add Justin Fagnani and Monica Dinculescu to attendee list (#12)

[WebPlatformWG] Need PAG for "Web Components vs Extract Widget patent"? (#4)

[WebPlatformWG] Update (#11)

[xhr] "For the purposes of interaction with other algo..." (#48)

[xhr] "relative flag" outdated terminology? (#44)

[xhr] "Release the storage mutex. " (#45)

[xhr] Abandon hope of removing sync XHR from the web platform? (#20)

[xhr] Ajax call to server in synchronous mode <> disrupt user experience! (#43)

[xhr] Creating an ArrayBuffer can fail (#26)

[xhr] first step of open() method does not work in workers anymore (#47)

[xhr] Fix global variable leaks (#49)

[xhr] Fix typo in FormData idl (#42)

[xhr] FormData.set has 3 params variant in implementations but not in the spec (#41)

[xhr] Remove references to the storage mutex (#46)

[xhr] Sort headers lexicographically in getAllResponseHeaders and combine values too (#50)

[xhr] Status 0 is missing a message (#35)

[xhr] XHR using sync warning (#40)

Last message date: Sunday, 31 January 2016 23:40:27 UTC