Re: [spec-reviews] Review FIDO spec (#97)

Reviewed this in Melbourne ([raw minutes](

Points to review with FIDO folks/WG when it get started below:
    - clarification on mismatch between [WebCrypto](, [FIDO Signature Format](, [JWA nomenclature on hash algorithm naming](
    - clarification on some data structures
    - `Credential` interface, e.g.:
 - `type`
 - `id`
 - `imageUri` (align with manifest syntax for multiple sizes?) in [User Account Information](
    - reasons for [eTLD+1 rather than origin]( (and unclear wording in section about how the origin and RP ID are used in authenticator operations)
    - feedback on the API design
       - options object instead of optional params?
       - clarify the `Credential` interface between Credential Management draft and FIDO drafts
    - specs need more examples & explainer doc, e.g. end-to-end code for Credentials + FIDO?
    - specs need more links of terms to their definitions
    - request time to meet at a TAG call

We also compared it to previous requirements for keygen replacement ([here](, and found that it meets the requirements. However, it does not provide a way to generate credentials that are not origin-specific. Though this was not a specific requirement, some folks were interested in having that capability for identity purposes. We note that FIDO is not trying to provide identity, only authentication.

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Received on Thursday, 14 January 2016 03:35:51 UTC