from April to June 2014 by subject

[Bug 17648] [Awaiting ES6] Add iterators

[Bug 17713] Exceptions thrown from event handlers should not be propagated

[Bug 19936] consider allowing non-matching enums to be converted to a particular value

[Bug 20158] Unrestricted typed dictionary

[Bug 20567] Change [[Prototype]] for concept-node-adopt?

[Bug 21740] Guidance on DOMError and promises

[Bug 22320] Form's supported property names should perhaps not be enumerable

[Bug 22600] Need a way to make navigator.plugins supported named properties not enumerable

[Bug 22646] So if we want to say on a per-object basis whether it ought to be exposed to workers (which I think is useful) lets introduce "exposed to document environments", "exposed to worker environments", and [...]

[Bug 22705] createImageBitmap in WorkerGlobalScope can only take a subset ImageBitmapSource types

[Bug 23033] Requesting PermissionDeniedError to be added

[Bug 23367] Move exceptions into IDL

[Bug 23369] Provide hooks for Typed Arrays

[Bug 23369] Provide hooks for Typed Arrays (ArrayBuffer and friends)

[Bug 24581] Fix ByteString type & [EnsureUTF16] flag story

[Bug 24959] "Exposed=Window,Worker" will be parsed to 2 extended attributes

[Bug 25300] New: WebIDL needs to be updated to new terminology around script settings objects

[Bug 25312] allow trailing commas on enums

[Bug 25312] New: allow trailing commas on enums

[Bug 25391] Add default to a sequence e.g. sequence<DOMString> = [];

[Bug 25391] New: Add default to a sequence e.g. sequence<DOMString> = [];

[Bug 25425] New: enum should be able to inherit from another enum

[Bug 25457] Adding "AutocompleteError" to error names table

[Bug 25495] Behavior of no [Exposed] on interface members is weird

[Bug 25495] New: Behavior of no [Exposed] on interface members is weird

[Bug 25590] New: Off-by-one in 3.2.6 effective overload set algorithm

[Bug 25590] Off-by-one in 3.2.6 effective overload set algorithm

[Bug 25628] New: "the booleans in the corresponding list indicati..."

[Bug 25630] "The following use of overloading however is inv..."

[Bug 25630] New: "The following use of overloading however is inv..."

[Bug 25700] New: Missing grammar for promise type

[Bug 25986] New: Signify JSON as a return value

[Bug 25986] Signify JSON as a return value

[Bug 25993] New: Why do we disallow overloading across partial interfaces?

[Bug 26075] New: Identifiers production duplicated

[Bug 26087] (object or ArrayBuffer) does not work

[Bug 26087] New: (object or ArrayBuffer) does not work

[Bug 26112] New: "then that gives the optional argument its defau..."

[Bug 26179] New: toString should be non enumerable

[Bug 26179] toString should be non enumerable

[Bug 26183] make it easier to define an iterator on an interface that iterates over a set of values

[Bug 26183] New: make it easier to define an iterator on an interface that iterates over a set of values

[Bug 26190] New: Sequence and OpenEndedDictionary should be distinguishable

[Bug 26190] Sequence and OpenEndedDictionary should be distinguishable

[WebIDL] Constructor with too many arguments throws TypeError?

[WebIDL] Dictionary with attribute set to 'undefined' counts as set?

[whatwg] Date Update?

Exposing constructors of readonly interfaces to web authors

Fetch API

getTimezoneOffse: do what I want it to

Iterating over the properties of an ECMAScript object

Making properties of a class unenumerable

removeEventListener with only one passed parameter...

Should / Can an EventHandler throw a stack overflow exception?

Status of Web IDL

WindowProxy as the key in ES6 Set/Map/WeakSet/WeakMap

Last message date: Monday, 30 June 2014 22:13:44 UTC