from March 2023 by subject

[Sem] regrets for TF meeting today

[Sem] wiki page for semantics proposals

[Sem] Yet another formal semantics for RDF-star

[w3c/rdf-star-wg] work with antoine and others to come up with a proposal for weak and strong compliance (Issue #19)

Agenda 2023-03-02

agenda and minutes for working group meetings

agenda+ creation of task forces

agenda+ Process for FPWD.

entailments and the unstar mapping

Event Invitation: RDF-star Semantics meeting

Event Invitation: RDF-star WG weekly meeting

Event Updated: RDF-star WG

Event Updated: RDF-star WG - minutes of previous meetings

Event Updated: RDF-star WG - Use Cases activity

Event Updated: RDF-star WG weekly meeting

fewer entailments is better?

labels for issues and pull requests in document repositories

Minutes updated + some hints for all (Re: suggested changes to minutes of 2023 March 09)

monitoring working group actions

multiple kinds of transparency; simplicity over complexity

New dashboard for PRs / github labels

Participation to the task forces

preparing good minutes for working group meetings, with the meeting of 2023 March 02 as an example

problems with minutes of 2023 February 23 meeting - from action

process concerns

RDF-star WG weekly meeting agenda item on discussion of Semantic Predication

RDF-star WG weekly meeting of 2023 March 16 agenda

Regrets for today


suggested changes to minutes of 2023 March 09

Tagging task-force-specific discussions in email threads (issue #44)

Task force on RDF-star semantics: call for the first online meeting

Unified proposal for embedded triples (as per today's meeting)

Use Cases: proposed implementation of use case process

Use Cases: revised proposed use case process

Use Cases: two examples of use cases

using GitHub labels (not tags) on pull requests (and issues) - was Re: Event Updated: RDF-star WG weekly meeting

working group resolutions

working group resolutions and actions

Last message date: Friday, 31 March 2023 19:45:36 UTC