using GitHub labels (not tags) on pull requests (and issues) - was Re: Event Updated: RDF-star WG weekly meeting

I took a look over the minutes of last weeks meeting.

There was a long discussion of open pull requests and a discussion of using 
tags to characterize pull requests.   I think that the terminology used in the 
discussion was incorrect and what was really talked about was GitHub labels, 
which can be attached to issues and pull requests, not GitHub tags, which are 
used on commits and releases.   It is worthwhile putting an explanation in the 

At the end of the discussion there was a comment about editors tagging (with 
labels, I guess) PRs.  There hasn't been any followup discussion as far as I 
can see.  What I do see is that some labels have been attached to issues 
(e.g., in and pull requests (e.g., 
in using what appear to be new 
labels.   Is there a description of what these labels mean and how they are 
supposed to be used?


Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2023 16:45:25 UTC