Re: Unified proposal for embedded triples (as per today's meeting)

Hi Olaf,
sure, no problem, I’ll work on that.

> On 3 Mar 2023, at 01:04, Olaf Hartig <> wrote:
> Hi Enrico,
> I want to pick up on the first question that Ora asked you during today's call and turn that question into a request
> (not only to you but to the group in general).
> I would very much prefer if proposals such as this one are presented not only in terms of an extension of Turtle (or any
> other concrete syntax for representing RDF graphs) but also in terms of some structure or model that is defined using
> mathematical concepts (e.g., sets, tuples, functions) and that expressions made in the concrete syntax can be mapped to.
> I mean, the notion of an RDF graph [1] is such a structure, and so is the notion of an RDF-star graph [2]. I would like
> to see definitions of such types of notions to be the basis of any proposal. The reason being that the definitions of a
> model-theoretic semantics and of a query evaluation semantics would build on such notions (and not on expressions made
> in the concrete syntax).
> So, in this sense, what kind of a thing is it that you propose to write in the following form?
> |<< :john :teaches :cs101 >>| :recorded "2021-07-07"^^xsd:date .
> Similarly, what kind of thing would be written using the following form?
> << |:john| |:teaches| |:cs101| >> :recorded "2021-07-07"^^xsd:date .
> Olaf
> [1]

> [2]

> On tor, 2023-03-02 at 17:59 +0000, Franconi Enrico wrote:
>> Semantic predication example:
>> << :john :teaches :cs101 >> rdf:type :teaching ;
>>                            dct:Location dbr:Stanford_University ;
>>                            dct:PeriodOfTime :1st-term-2022 .
>> :john :teaches :cs101.
>> Syntactic predication example:
>> |<< :john :teaches :cs101 >>| rdf:type unstar:triple ;
>>                              :recorded "2021-07-07"^^xsd:date .
>> or
>> << |:john| |:teaches| |:cs101| >> rdf:type unstar:triple ;
>>                                  :recorded "2021-07-07"^^xsd:date .
>> Modal/epistemic predication example:
>> << :john :teaches :cs101 >> rdf:type unstar:statement;
>>                            :accordingTo :employee22 .

Received on Friday, 3 March 2023 07:29:38 UTC