preparing good minutes for working group meetings, with the meeting of 2023 March 02 as an example

TL;DR: See the attached file for modifications to today's meeting log.

Here are some notes on how the working groups might be able to have better 
minutes of its meetings.

The meeting minutes are prepared from the IRC messages occuring during the 
meeting.  Everyone at the meeting should be looking at the working group IRC 
channel - #rdf-star on - during the meeting.

There are a number of W3C services that listen in on the channel, send 
messages to the channel, and perform actions outside the channel.  Zakim and 
agendabot keep track of the agenda.  RRSAgent publishes the log of the 
meeting.  Commands to these services are needed to ensure that the meeting log 
contains appropriate information to generate good minutes.   Commands are 
needed to start and end the meeting and associate a topic with it, to set up 
and progress through the agenda, to record attendance, to set up a scribe, and 
to generate a draft log and minutes of the meeting.  (It would be really nice 
if most of these commands were performed automatically.) There are also 
commands that can be used perform substitutions in the minutes.

If everything is done correctly, a draft log shows up shortly after the end of 
the meeting and can be read by anyone (with a W3C account?).  For example, the 
draft minuteslog of the meeting of 2023 March 2 showed up at  Then formatted minutes showed up 
at and were summarized in

The problem is that all this currently happens without any intervention from 
the scribe to fix up problems in the minues.  These problems can include 
scribing mistakes that were not picked up by substitution commands, incorrect 
agenda item boundaries, and missing or incorrect agenda items.   Ideally it 
should be possible to edit (or, 
even better, a version of this page without less markup) and have the 
formatted minutes and the summary regenerated.

I downloaded and edited them to 
remove a few minor problems.  I've attached the result to this message. 
Hopefully this editing process will happen for future working group meetings.


Received on Thursday, 2 March 2023 19:11:59 UTC