from October to December 1997 by subject

"Warning" in draft -08 (WARNING)

(Fwd) web-priv list set up

[Fwd: LAST CALL: draft-ietf-http-state-man-mec-04.txt]


A common registry for MIME headers?


Accept-Transfer header field (was HTTP/1.1 Issues:

Accept-Transfer header field (was HTTP/1.1 Issues: TRAILER_FIELDS)

Access control and knowledge

Acknowledgements for Draft standard...

Administrivia: http-wg mailing list outage

Administrivia: spam reduction

Administrvia: list status

Adminstrivia: spam reduction

Agenda for WEBPRIV BOF, Mon Dec 8 1930-2200

agenda, HTTP working group, 40th IETF

Another Question on byte ranges

Another way to pipeline cache validation....

Authorization draft: Authentication-Info syntax

Basic Authentication behavior (last call on PROTECTION_SPACES)

Basic Authentication behavior (PROTECTION_SPACE issue.)

byte range questions

Cache-control: private and off-line

Calculation of age headers

Calculation of age headers (AGE-CALCULATION last call)

Changes to the spec

Claification requested in Host: (HOST issue proposed wording.)

Code 419 should have been 417 (editorial issue CODES)

comments on draft-ietf-http-state-man-mec-04.txt

comments on http-authentication-00

Content negotiation, features, and related items

Content-Base bugs in User Agents


Customizing the authentication dialog

DAV Searching and Locating Mini-BOF

Digest mess


draft '08' => draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-00.*

DRAFT agenda for IETF meeting; documenting implementations

DRAFT combined minutes for HTTP-WG

Draft standard rules (was RE: What is Content-Length?)

draft-fielding-url-syntax-08 issue


draft-lundblade-1pass-mult-alt-00.txt vs. alternates

editorial glitch in section 14.19

Editorial Nit in section 4.1 (new editorial issue GENERIC_MESSAGE)

Editorial suggestion to change Request-URI to Request-Target

Existance of Proxies that Add Headers

Fbk on state-man-mec-04.txt

FindMail Archive

Fwd: Announcing Connectathon '98

FYI [ I-D ACTION:draft-pohlmann-http-traffic-satellite-00.txt]

good words for HTTP interoperability testing

Hit-metering implementations

Hold your cookie-talk


http compression

HTTP Interoperability Test 10-30

HTTP Interoperability Test 11-13 (correct date)

HTTP Interoperability Test 12-4

HTTP question.

HTTP working group status; VOLUNTEERS needed

http-ext wg mailing list ready

HTTP/1.1 draft rev-01 and authentication draft 00 issued....

HTTP/1.1 ISSUE: TRAILER_FIELDS - Proposed Resolution

I'm starting draft production right now...

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-authentication-00.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-hit-metering-04.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-jaye-trust-state-01.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-negotiate-scenario-02.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-pep-05.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-req-sum-00.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-state-man-mec-04.txt,.ps

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-state-man-mec-05.txt,.ps

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-00.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-01.txt

If-None-Match and IMS (new Issue IMS_INM_MISMATCH)

Inconsistent wording of Content-Length

Interoperability Test 10-16

Interoperability Test 10-23

Is MHTML only for e-mail?

Issue: TRAILER_FIELDS and Transfer Encodings last time...

Issue: TRAILER_FIELDS and Transfer Encodings once again

Issues list updated to reflect Monday session at the IETF in Washington

LAST CALL on issues; status

LAST CALL: draft-ietf-http-state-man-mec-04.txt

LYNX-DEV two curiosities from IETF HTTP session.

making no progress on cookies

making progress on cookies

minimal OPTIONS

Minutes from HTTP/1.1 Implementor's dinner

Minutes from Second HTTP session at IETF-40

more on digest (was: Unidentified subject!)

Need HTTP proxy source

Netscape Server security question...

new editorial issue RANGE_WITH_CONTENTCODING

New I-D for Http Jaye Trust State Mgt

New mailing list on 'content negotiation'

Oracle Web Server 3.0 with SSL

Parameters for transfer-codings?

PEP draft 5 (21 Nov 1997)

Proposal for new HTTP 1.1 authentication scheme

Protocol Action: Simple Hit-Metering and Usage-Limiting for HTTP to Proposed Standard



PUT with Content-Range

Q re draft 08's Accept-Encoding

Quality factors

Question about HTTP/1.1 and proxy servers

question in French

Question on Accept-Charset

Question on byte ranges

Qvalues - a nit


Re-revised agenda for IETF HTTP meetings, Dec 8 & 10

RE-VERSION discussion at Munich....


Regarding Authentication



Revised agenda for HTTP-WG, Dec 8, 1300-1500

schulzrinne-http-status-00.txt: three digits not enough

spec-08 self-contradiction in 13.5.2

spoofing cookies

State of draft Rev 01 (and digest rev 00)

Submissions of both HTTP/1.1 and Authentication drafts...

Syntax (and other) problems in Digest spec

Temporary HTTP-WG mailing list Administrativia

Test Day Schedule

Testing 12-18

the state of State

This is not "this is not a date"

Two Internet Drafts => Experimental RFCs

Unidentified subject!

Washington Agenda for HTTP?

Way redirect POST? [was Re: LYNX-DEV two curiosities from IETF HTTP session.

WebDAV-specific status codes

Weekly Internet HTTP/1.1 Tests


WG Last Call for draft-schulzrinne-http-status-00.txt

What is Content-Length?

Wording to close out REDIRECTS issue.

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 December 1997 20:34:26 UTC