making progress on cookies

Things have been very quiet on the cookie front.  I have been busy with
other projects, but I am now able to return to the fray.

At issue is how to make progress on a successor to RFC 2109.  One
proposal is to split draft-ietf-http-state-man-mec-03 into two pieces:

1) a description of the wire protocol; and
2) a description of the privacy considerations of cookies.

The second document would comprise approximately these sections of
	- 4.3.5 Sending Cookies in Unverifiable Transactions
	- 7 Privacy

The groundrules would be that each of the two documents could/should be
discussed separately, but that the IESG would not allow either to
become an RFC until agreement had been reached on both.

I'm soliciting discussion of this approach before I invest the time
to split the document in two.  What do you think of this approach?

Dave Kristol

Received on Friday, 10 October 1997 13:49:42 UTC