Re: "Warning" in draft -08 (WARNING)

Here is the slight wording change by Jeff to close out the comments
raised on the text in Rev-00 by Klaus Weide in:

I'll be incorporating them in Rev01, which I'm working on now.
				- Jim

Forwarded message 1

  • From: Jeffrey Mogul <>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Sep 97 13:47:45 MDT
  • Subject: WARNINGS
  • To: jg
  • Message-Id: <>
		The warning text may include arbitrary information to be
               presented to a human user, or logged. A system receiving
               this warning MUST NOT take any automated action.

should be
		The warning text may include arbitrary information to be
               presented to a human user, or logged. A system receiving
               this warning MUST NOT take any automated action, besides
	       presenting the warning to the user.

            If an implementation receives a response with a warning-
            value that includes a warn-date, and that warn-date is
            different from the Date value in the response, then that
            warning-value MUST be deleted from the message before
            storing, forwarding, or using it.  If all of the warning-
            values are deleted for this reason, the Warning header MUST
            be deleted as well.

should be

            If an implementation receives a response with a warning-
            value that includes a warn-date, and that warn-date is
            different from the Date value in the response, then that
            warning-value MUST be deleted from the message before
            storing, forwarding, or using it.
	    (This prevents bad consequences of naive caching
	    of Warning header fields.)
	    If all of the warning-
            values are deleted for this reason, the Warning header MUST
            be deleted as well.


Received on Tuesday, 11 November 1997 10:02:32 UTC