Re: Proposal for new HTTP 1.1 authentication scheme

> >    domain
> >      A space-separated list of URIs, as specified in RFC XURI [7]. The
> >      intent is that the client could use this information to know the set
> >      of URIs for which the same authentication information should be sent.
> >      The URIs in this list may exist on different servers. If this keyword
> >      is omitted or empty, the client should assume that the domain
> >      consists of all URIs on the responding server with paths at or deeper
> >      than the depth of the last symbolic element in the path field of the
> >      Request-URI.
> >
> What does "last symbolic element in the path field of the Request-URI" mean?

Maybe an example is best. Assume the Request-URI is
"http://somewhere/the/path/index.html" then you want to to talk about all
URIs with a prefix of "http://somewhere/the/path/", i.e. the scheme, the
site component and the path component of the Request-URI minus any trailing
segment. I assumed "symbolic element" to refer to "/".



Received on Friday, 12 December 1997 08:00:54 UTC