Re: This is not "this is not a date"

>>>>> "DWM" == David W Morris <> writes:

DWM> On Fri, 12 Dec 1997, Paul Leach wrote:

>> For HTTP that proved to be infeasible. Some fields really have to be
>> modified by proxies. (Those could still be included in the Proxy-Auth,

DWM> I've not done enough homework to be sure this comment makes sense, but
DWM> it is reasonable for a document to expire, be revalidated and have a new
DWM> expiration applied. If the proxy can't merge in a new expires header then
DWM> either a new digest value or whole new copy of the entity would be
DWM> required.

  I think that we don't need to worry about the case of preserving
  cachability in shared caches of a digest-authenticated response;
  because of the nonce it just can't be done (and I don't think that
  we would want that changed - as an origin server I can't trust the
  proxy anyway).

  The goal is to allow the athenticated message to pass through the
  proxy uncorrupted - that's all.

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering  

Received on Sunday, 14 December 1997 09:54:07 UTC