Re: HTTP/1.1 ISSUE: TRAILER_FIELDS - Proposed Resolution

>>>>> "RTF" == Roy T Fielding <> writes:

>> If no Trailer header field is present, the trailer SHOULD NOT include any
>> other header fields than Content-MD5 and Authentication-Info.

RTF> I don't think this exception is necessary.  As far as I know, none of the
RTF> existing HTTP/1.1 servers put anything in the trailer yet.

>> A server MUST NOT include any other header fields unless the "chunked"
>> transfer-coding is present in the request as an accepted transfer-coding in
>> the Accept-Transfer field.

RTF> Likewise, that is unnecessary.  We can live with the discrepancy between
RTF> RFC 2068 and now, since nobody uses these features yet.  Somebody should
RTF> correct me if I'm wrong [and they do care].

  Released versions of EmWeb have been putting these in chunked
  trailers for several months.

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering  

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 1997 15:11:31 UTC