www-style@w3.org from March 1999 by subject

(was indentation)

<end>Re: a simple question</end>

[Fwd: bidi, italics and oblique]

[stds] Official statement from Microsoft concerning CSS, XSL andUS Pate nt No. 5,860,073

a simple question

Access to element styles?

Altavista and CSS

Browser collapsing due overflow

CSS-1 IE4 references

CSS2: Interaction of run-in with floats

CSS3 and blink (was: indentation)

Escaping characters in CSS2

font matching algorithm

font-size and line-height

forwarded message from Ben Trafford

forwarded message from Paul Brazelton

Fwd: Re: remove

Incomplete CSS2 grammar specification?


line breaks...

Line height, images, vert. alignment, and so on

mailing list administrata

Margins applied to display:table elements

Meaning of User Interface color names

Mozillazine vs. css...

Official statement from Microsoft concerning CSS, XSL and US Pa te nt No. 5,860,073

Official statement from Microsoft concerning CSS, XSL and US Pate nt No. 5,860,073

Official statement from Microsoft concerning CSS, XSL and US Patent No. 5,860,073

Opening 2 pages at the same time

positioning the root element

Problem with OBJECT rendering

Question: Identation based on first child, how?

Random images and colors - hover images


Selecting selectors

Suggestion - Underline

The \ escape character in the "content" property.

Vertical alignment: unsolvable and indeterminate cases

Wildcard selectors (Was: a simple question)

www-style past suggestions list updated

XHTML, attribute minimization, and deployed UAs


Last message date: Wednesday, 31 March 1999 04:43:21 UTC