- From: <marnellm@portia.portia.com>
- Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 00:15:57 -0500 (EST)
- To: Chris Lilley <chris@w3.org>
- cc: Chris Wilson <cwilso@MICROSOFT.com>, "'jrexon@newsguy.com'" <jrexon@newsguy.com>, "'www-style@w3.org'" <www-style@w3.org>, standards@mercury.projectcool.com
On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Chris Lilley wrote: > > > marnellm@portia.portia.com wrote: > > > until someone else can come up with a different scheme that > > definitely won't infringe on this patent, and puts it into the public > > domain, and we can all move toward that. Perhaps something like > > SGML/DSSSL. > > What makes you think that is outside the scope of the patent? > Chris, Nothing really, IANAL, but there is far more money in SGML, from a software investment, infrastructure investment, and sheer monetary investment in the use of SGML, as well as the length of time it's been around, and people have used it, that either Microsoft would be beyond stupid to challenge companies implementing/using it and expect to come out on top. But who am I to gainsay MS in these matters. When were these standards first put out? Matt
Received on Friday, 12 March 1999 00:18:04 UTC