CSS2: Interaction of run-in with floats

CSS2 says:
# 9.2.4 Run-in boxes
# A run-in box behaves as follows:
#    * If a block box (that does not float and is not absolutely
#      positioned) follows the run-in box, the run-in box becomes the
#      first inline box of the block box.
#    * Otherwise, the run-in box becomes a block box.

Imagine the following:

   <P style="display:run-in"> Alice
   <P style="float:right">    Bob
   <P style="display:block">  Chris
Since the float is taken out of the flow, I would assert that the
block level "Chris" paragraph _does_ follow the run-in paragraph
"Alice", and thus Alice should run-in to "Chris". It appears to me
that the bracketed text above is merely making sure that a run-in does
not become part of the float.


   Alice Chris              Bob

...and not:

   Chris              Alice Bob

Is this what was intended? Or should *all* elements in the DOM,
including floats that have been taken out of flow, be taken into

Which in this case would cause this:

   Alice                    Bob

I would suggest that the first interpretation is the intended one, but
would appreciate comments from working group members as to the exact
meaning of the above.
Ian Hickson 
U+2642 U+2651
U+262E U+2603 U+263A

Received on Friday, 26 March 1999 21:34:23 UTC