Re: Selecting selectors

On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 12:04:32 +0100, Ignacio Javier
( wrote:
> I've been thinking in this simple document structure:
> <a>
>     <c>
>     </c>
> </a>
> <c>

This one is matched by my selector.

> </c>
> <c>
> </c>
> ....
> <a>
>     <c>
>     </c>
> </a>
> <c>

And this one is matched by my selector.

> </c>
> <c>
> </c>
> ....
> For selecting the first C after A what might I do?
> A > C + C ????

If you want to select the elements that I have marked above, then the
selector you want is

A + C

That's the only way I can interpret "the first C after A."  There are
no elements in the tree you give above that would be matched by the

A > C + C

This would match elements such as those marked here:

  <c matched>
  <c matched>
> Is the interpretation of this last selector left to right or right to
> left? I mean, is this (pseudonotation)
> (A>C)+C
> or
> A>(C+C)

It actually doesn't matter.  If you think about it the first way, then
you want to match any C that are adjacent following siblings to a C
that is a child of A.  If you think about it the second way, you want
to match any C that are are both adjacent following siblings to another
C and a child of A.  Since an element and its sibling must have the
same parent, the selectors are equivalent, and it doesn't matter which
way you think about it.

One warning - right now these selectors (adjacent sibling selectors and
child selectors) are only fully supported by Mozilla's NGLayout
(possibly with some bugs in adjacent sibling matching).  Opera 3.51
seems to support adjacent sibling selectors on some elements, but I
don't really understand that.


L. David Baron    Freshman, Harvard
Links, SatPix, CSS, etc.  < >
WSP CSS AC                < >

Received on Sunday, 14 March 1999 13:08:35 UTC