[DRAFT] Minutes QA WG Telconf - 2003-06-02
[heads-up] f2f minutes
Cc/pp S&V conformance section
Certification discussion background.
certification footnote [was: Re: The bad side of test cases]
Clarification requested on usage of RFC 2119 Keywords
Crete F2F minutes - June 16, A.M.
CSS Mockup for QA Guidelines
CSS Mockup for QA Guidelines -- p.s.
CSS style for QA guidelines
DOM Level 3 Core Last Call review?
Draft Minutes - QA Working Group Teleconference 2003-06-23
Draft minutes of 2003-06-18 PM F2F
Draft Minutes QAWG Telcon Monday 09 June 2003
Draft minutes: Crete F2F - June 16, afternoon
draft minutes: F2F June 18 morning
F&O LCWD review against SpecGL
f2f agenda updated
Fwd: "Anna Doxastaki": Dinner
Fwd: QA WG comments on the spec [MathML]
Fwd: Re: WAI guidelines question from QAWG
Fwd: Results of Teleconference (Was: TM licence matter)
Fwd: www-math@w3.org
FYI: Material
Ian's perspective [was: Re: LC-67 leftover -- MUST use MUST?]
LC issue updates for Monday
LC-33 proposed text -
LC-67 leftover -- MUST use MUST?
LC-81 & 101 -- extensions leftovers
lc-issues updated (3-June)
Minutes Crete F2F day 2 PM
Minutes for 20030630 telecon
Minutes QA WG Telconf - 2003-04-28
Monday (02 June) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (09 June) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (09 June) QAWG telecon agenda [2nd DRAFT]
Monday (09 June) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (23 June) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (23 June) QAWG telecon agenda [2nd DRAFT]
Monday (23 June) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (30 June) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
month in QA
need to clarify LC-26 & LC-28 (resolutions)
need to clarify LC-26 & LC-28 -- correction
new draft TTF charter
problem w/ boston minutes
proposed text for LC96 -
proposed text for LC96 - new text for CP 3.1
QA WG comments on the spec
Resolved-to-closed: introduction
Resolved-to-closed: OpsGL (3,...), 58, 60
Resolved-to-closed: OpsGL LC-72
Seattle AI about test assertions
seeking clarification of your comments
SpecGL issue-group update (20-jun)
SpecGL issue-group update (3-jun)
SpecGL review of F&O done
SpecGL Use Cases
Test Case Description Language
TestGL plan needed for Crete !
WD Minutes: Day 2 Morning
your TestGL comments needed!
Last message date: Monday, 30 June 2003 20:14:28 UTC