www-international@w3.org from October to December 2015 by subject

[bp-i18n-specdev] include table of examples in section 2.7

[bp-i18n-specdev] legacy grapheme clusters vs extended grapheme clusters

[bp-i18n-specdev] Spell out internationalization in place of 'i18n'

[Bug 23867] Add numbered escape characters to list of allowed WebVTT cue text escape characters

[Bug 28255] [webvtt] no provision for indicating overall content language(s) [I18N-ISSUE-420]

[Bug 28256] [webvtt] no non-ASCII examples [I18N-ISSUE-421]

[Bug 28257] [webvtt] start/end linked to left/right [I18N-ISSUE-422]

[Bug 28258] [webvtt] more formal grammar? [I18N-ISSUE-424]

[Bug 28259] [webvtt] Normalization and string identity issues [I18N-ISSUE-425]

[Bug 28260] [webvtt] zero or more characters? [I18N-ISSUE-426]

[Bug 28261] [webvtt] WebVTT percentage digits? [I18N-ISSUE-427]

[Bug 28262] [webvtt] 4.3.2 emphasis spans [I18N-ISSUE-428]

[Bug 28263] [webvtt] "valid" language tags [I18N-ISSUE-429]

[Bug 28265] [webvtt] incomplete ruby implementation [I18N-ISSUE-431]

[Bug 28266] [webvtt] 6.2.1 processing model handling of bidi [I18N-ISSUE-432]

[Bug 28267] [webvtt] 3.1 Line wrapping for non-Latin scripts [I18N-ISSUE-434]

[Bug 28268] [webvtt] 3.2 scroll value and vertical writing [I18N-ISSUE-435]

[Bug 28661] U+2212 in shift_jis encoder

[Bug 28740] GB18030-2000 vs GB18030-2005: decide on mapping for 0xA8BC

[charmod-norm] add section for other kinds of equivalence

[charmod-norm] Editor's notes styling

[charmod-norm] Figure 1: Terminology examples

[charmod-norm] fix lingering reference to markup

[css-text-decor] Default UA stylesheet for emphasis marks

[CSSWG][css-writing-modes] Updated CR of CSS Writing Modes Level 3

[Encoding spec] Additional dbl byte tests

[Encoding] more dbl byte index tests available

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2015-11-05

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2015-11-12

[minutes] Internationalization telecon 2015-12-03

[minutes] Internationalization WG telecon 2015-11-19

[predefined-counter-styles] Joining letters put in wrong position in the comments

[predefined-counter-styles] Names of Arabic counters do not match Unicode/CLDR naming

[presentation-api] Possibility for a character to be interpreted differently depending on locale

[w3c/charmod-norm] 0a2cde: Added styling and matching markup of the term voca...

[w3c/charmod-norm] 1044d2: Fixed a typo.

[w3c/charmod-norm] 244f97: Makde conformance criteria numbering consistent

[w3c/charmod-norm] 26686f: nit: space inserted

[w3c/charmod-norm] 356f40: Made figure 1 markup consistent

[w3c/charmod-norm] 41948a: replaced 'markup' with 'syntactic content'

[w3c/charmod-norm] 8281d0: Fixed lingering references to 'markup'

[w3c/charmod-norm] 8e79ce: Modified references to East Asian width

[w3c/charmod-norm] 9819bb: https://github.com/w3c/charmod-norm/issues/25

[w3c/charmod-norm] c6bc70: Add section for other equivalence types

[w3c/charmod-norm] cd7002: Add font subsetting

[w3c/charmod-norm] d97138: Additional work on examples.

Bug raised: Halfwidth characters incorrectly rendered in Chrome

Closed: [charmod-norm] conformance criteria numbering being reset

Closed: [charmod-norm] Editor's notes styling

Closed: [charmod-norm] Figure 1: Terminology examples

Closed: [charmod-norm] fix lingering reference to markup

Closed: [charmod-norm] Is 'syntactic content' a better term than 'markup'?

Closed: [charmod-norm] Not necessary to limit to East Asian characters

Closed: [charmod-norm] Provide descriptions of Unicode case folding

CR Feedback: String counting and offsets

CSS and East Asian Width

Fwd: [members] Call for Comment: proposed Charter for XLIFF Object Model and Other Serializations (XLIFF OMOS) TC

I18N github issues on find-text

i18n-ISSUE-359: [css-ruby] Drop ruby-merge in favour of a specific jukugo value

i18n-ISSUE-492: Honor the HTTP Accept-Language header for selecting the consent language

I18N-ISSUE-514: Halfwidth characters incorrectly rendered in Chrome [chrome/blink]

I18N-ISSUE-515: spaces at the ends of lines in a <span style="unicode-bidi:isolate"> inside a <pre> are displayed at the wrong end of the line [browser implementations]

I18N-ISSUE-516: Make unicode-bidi: isolate the default for elements with a dir attribute [browser implementations]

I18N-ISSUE-517: Make unicode-bidi:isolate the default for an element with a dir attribute (instead of unicode-bidi:embed) (chrome) ⓣ [browser implementations]

More tests for dbl byte encodings in the Encoding spec

Open issue list for repositories

Proposal to close issues related to CSS Writing Modes

Test reviewer needed

Tests for Encoding spec

Tests for remaining Encoding encodings now available

Updated tests for dir isolation

WebVTT status

Weibo + IDNs + linkification

Last message date: Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:35:19 UTC