from December 2024 by subject

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Fix ClipboardEvent example to include `eventInitDict` param (PR #231)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] Remove clipboardchange event (and replace it possibly with a promise returning method) (Issue #228)

[w3c/clipboard-apis] The "focused node" when determining event target needs to be defined (#70)

[w3c/editing] JS API to invoke native desktop emoji picker (#350)

[w3c/editing] No-op in "delete the selection" algorithm with end block's parent (Issue #473)

[w3c/FileAPI] Add missing close call to blob-get-stream (PR #205)

[w3c/FileAPI] Missing close call on blob-get-stream causes the stream to never finish reading (Issue #206)

[w3c/FileAPI] Partition Blob URL revocation by Storage Key (PR #201)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Add locale-aware sorting (#38)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Delete entire site data on data corruption/loss? (Issue #431)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Missing tasks in parallel steps in Indexed Database API 3.0 (Issue #421)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Mssing step in open a database connection? (Issue #434)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Spec clarification regarding implied steps (Issue #433)

[w3c/IndexedDB] Storage Keys are used directly, rather than a Storage Bottle Map (Issue #435)

[w3c/manifest] Ability to dynamically change app icon (#663)

[w3c/manifest] Editorial: Retire Matt Giuca (22b2259)

[w3c/manifest] Mainfiest (Issue #1155)

[w3c/manifest] Prevent Screenshots in PWAs (Issue #1154)

[w3c/manifest] Way to detect if a web app is installed (Issue #1092)

[w3c/permissions] "Requesting more permission" algorithms are tightly coupled to prompts (#153)

[w3c/permissions] Allow Permissions Policy-based permission models (#185)

[w3c/permissions] Automation: "Get Permission" (#349)

[w3c/permissions] Automation: "set permission" granularity (#348)

[w3c/permissions] Automation: Need two more steps to handle closed browsing context and user prompts (#347)

[w3c/permissions] Bring this document to CR (Issue #454)

[w3c/permissions] Conditional permissions (#189)

[w3c/permissions] describe implicitly-granted (chooser-based) permissions (#178)

[w3c/permissions] Editorial: Fix sentences around permission states (PR #452)

[w3c/permissions] Editorial: Prepare for CR (PR #457)

[w3c/permissions] Export permissions task source (PR #407)

[w3c/permissions] Permission query algorithm should be able to fail (#135)

[w3c/permissions] Tidied up document using tidy-html5 (PR #456)

[w3c/permissions] Use `<code>` for references to a CDDL type (PR #455)

[w3c/push-api] Add Declarative Web Push (PR #385)

[w3c/push-api] Update (PR #395)

[w3c/selection-api] chore: fix typo of `selectionchange` (PR #343)

[w3c/selection-api] Clarify association between a selection and its range (#2)

[w3c/selection-api] Tidied up document using tidy-html5 (PR #340)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Create service worker from Blob/String URL (#578)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Declarative routing (#1373)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Feedback on the ServiceWorker feature in the web-platform-dx/web-features project (Issue #1738)

[w3c/ServiceWorker] Move the Service Workers spec to the WebApps WG (Issue #1739)

[w3c/uievents-code] Note that `Backquote` is also called backtick or grave (PR #44)

[w3c/uievents] Back and Forward buttons not specified for MouseEvent.buttons (Issue #391)

[w3c/uievents] Button order for MouseEvent.button vs MouseEvent.buttons very easy to miss (Issue #390)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] [Handwriting] Add Handwriting CSS Value (Issue #1018)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] [HTML] 2D canvas floating point support (Issue #1030)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Add a link to the early design review in the specification review request (PR #1032)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Captured Surface Control (Issue #962)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Controller Documents v1.0 (Issue #960)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Create an issue template for questions (PR #1025)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] CSS `dynamic-range-limit` (Issue #1027)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] CSS advanced attr() function (#513)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] CSS Inline `text-box`, `text-box-trim`, and `text-box-edge` properties (Issue #1021)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] CSS Masonry Layout (Issue #1003)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] CSS reading-flow property (Issue #978)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Custom Functions (@function) (Issue #1031)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early Design Review: Allowing First-Party SameSite=None Cookies in Sandboxed Contexts (Issue #1004)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Early Design Review: Partitioned Popins (Issue #956)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] EPUB 3.3 Recommendation with Candidate Corrections 2024-10-17 > 2024-12-19 (Issue #1006)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Fenced frames with local unpartitioned data access (Issue #975)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Final Review Request of seven (7) W3C VCWG Specifications (Issue #1029)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] HTMLSelectElement showPicker() (Issue #900)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Shared Storage API (Issue #747)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Spec Review for scroll-start-target (Issue #1011)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] The `FileSystemObserver` interface (Issue #868)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Update (PR #1022)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Vision for W3C: request horizontal architectural review and wide TAG review (Issue #1008)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] Web Authentication's PublicKeyCredential signal methods (Issue #996)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] WebRTC API Proposed Amendments (Issue #1026)

[w3ctag/design-reviews] هلا (Issue #1028)

[whatwg/dom] [EventTarget] Abort controller from a past subscription can remove events from future subscriptions (Issue #1346)

[whatwg/dom] Add definition for composed live range (PR #1342)

[whatwg/dom] Add Scoped Custom Element Registries (PR #1341)

[whatwg/dom] Allow `MutationObserver` to observe (certain) element property changes (Issue #1340)

[whatwg/dom] Atomic move operation for element reparenting & reordering (Issue #1255)

[whatwg/dom] Clarify create an element assertion (Issue #1338)

[whatwg/dom] clone with clone children flag set should append clone before cloning children (Issue #1219)

[whatwg/dom] Editorial: clarify document argument of "clone a node" (PR #1332)

[whatwg/dom] Editorial: cleanup "create an element" (PR #1331)

[whatwg/dom] Editorial: modernize "enqueue a custom element callback reaction" (PR #1333)

[whatwg/dom] Editorial: unconjugate "pre-insertion" and "pre-removing" (PR #1330)

[whatwg/dom] Event::ComposedPath doesn't handle `this.currentTarget == null` (Issue #1343)

[whatwg/dom] Event::dispatch uses possibly uninitialized `clearTargets` (Issue #1344)

[whatwg/dom] Introduce `moveBefore()` state-preserving atomic move API (PR #1307)

[whatwg/dom] Meta: give all document references an explicit for attribute (PR #1337)

[whatwg/dom] moveBefore() cosmetic concerns (Issue #1335)

[whatwg/dom] MutationObserver callbacks happen in bizarre order. (Issue #1105)

[whatwg/dom] Provide a "deep clone" shorthand (Issue #1220)

[whatwg/dom] Remove quadratic behavior from clone a node (PR #1334)

[whatwg/dom] Revamped Scoped Custom Element Registries (DOM side) (Issue #1339)

[whatwg/dom] Review Draft Publication: December 2024 (PR #1336)

[whatwg/dom] T Shirt Designer (Issue #1345)

[whatwg/dom] Trusted types attributes (PR #1268)

[whatwg/encoding] aria-label usage in BMP coverage table (#261)

[whatwg/encoding] GBK encoding/decoding support (#56)

[whatwg/encoding] Meta: use aria-description instead of aria-label (PR #340)

[whatwg/encoding] Review Draft Publication: December 2024 (PR #339)

[whatwg/encoding] Why Big5 index contains unmappable characters? (Issue #293)

[whatwg/fetch] 0x00 byte (%00) in a data: URL (Issue #1748)

[whatwg/fetch] Add `Last-Event-ID` to CORS-safelisted request headers (PR #1788)

[whatwg/fetch] Allow HTTP scheme fetches to make CORS preflight for navigations (PR #1785)

[whatwg/fetch] Allow Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Origin to have multiple values (Issue #1790)

[whatwg/fetch] Behavior of `Headers.set(name, null)` and `Headers.get(name)` (Issue #1792)

[whatwg/fetch] Block access to ::, ::ffff:0:0, and (PR #1763)

[whatwg/fetch] Correct Response's statusText check (PR #1795)

[whatwg/fetch] Deferred fetching (PR #1647)

[whatwg/fetch] Deferred fetching feedback (Issue #1715)

[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Move handling of request 'client' to algo (PR #1793)

[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: Move handling of request 'client' to its own steps (PR #1793)

[whatwg/fetch] Editorial: parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded never fails (PR #1799)

[whatwg/fetch] Empty statusText does not match the reason-phrase token production (Issue #1794)

[whatwg/fetch] HTTPS upgrades proposal (PR #1655)

[whatwg/fetch] If a resource allows credentials but omits Vary, shouldn't responses to non-CORS requests also contain Access-Control-Allow-Credentials? (Issue #1601)

[whatwg/fetch] Parsing `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` byte sequence is infallible (Issue #1798)

[whatwg/fetch] Partition Blob URL fetches by Storage Key (PR #1783)

[whatwg/fetch] Proposal: `Request.json` helper (Issue #1791)

[whatwg/fetch] Question about stream handling around fetch requests with integrity metadata (Issue #1754)

[whatwg/fetch] redirects and etag/if-none-match (Issue #1770)

[whatwg/fetch] Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body. (#551)

[whatwg/fetch] Return a `content-encoding` header for resource timing and more (PR #1796)

[whatwg/fetch] Review Draft Publication: December 2024 (PR #1797)

[whatwg/streams] Brainstorming a buffer-reusing version of writable streams (#495)

[whatwg/streams] Editorial: Add mising ')' to ReadableStreamAddReadRequest definition (PR #1335)

[whatwg/streams] Editorial: small cleanup after #1326 (PR #1336)

[whatwg/streams] Meta: improve test coverage (PR #1334)

[whatwg/url] "D:\foo" should be parsed as "file:///D:/foo" (#271)

[whatwg/url] A '@' character in the host part of file URLs (Issue #805)

[whatwg/url] Add fast path to pathname start state (PR #847)

[whatwg/url] Add U+005E (^) to the path percent-encode set (PR #846)

[whatwg/url] Allow ports in file URLs (#548)

[whatwg/url] anowar com (Issue #848)

[whatwg/url] Are drive letters always invalid? (#612)

[whatwg/url] ContextJ (RFC 5892) is Security Theater (Issue #776)

[whatwg/url] Differentiate from zero-sized fragment and no fragment in url (Issue #779)

[whatwg/url] Disallow comma in hosts (#390)

[whatwg/url] Editorial: only care about the empty string when beStrict is false (PR #845)

[whatwg/url] Encode ' in username and password (#608)

[whatwg/url] Encode ^ in pathname (#607)

[whatwg/url] Ensure opaque paths always roundtrip (PR #844)

[whatwg/url] Escape trailing spaces in opaque paths (PR #785)

[whatwg/url] Parser generates invalid URLs (#379)

[whatwg/url] Percent encoding does not round-trip (#523)

[whatwg/url] Should file URLs have opaque hostnames? (#599)

[whatwg/url] Should we escape \ in non-special non-opaque paths? (Issue #675)

[whatwg/url] Should we ignore IPv6 zone identifiers when parsing a URL? (Issue #742)

[whatwg/url] Support IPv6 zone identifiers (#392)

[whatwg/url] URL serialiser does not produce idempotent strings if an opaque path has a trailing space and "exclude fragment" is true (Issue #784)

[whatwg/url] URLSearchParams with repeated parameters (Issue #851)

[whatwg/url] Windows drive letter uppercasing (#515)

[whatwg/webidl] "an exception was thrown" is not consistently used (Issue #1455)

[whatwg/webidl] 0x7CA7C490A95C838bffaAbfA734c9Bb795A5209d6 (Issue #1458)

[whatwg/webidl] 0xab5895cba8939c5c6e58ff0301ae7cfe9c4edf74 (Issue #1458)

[whatwg/webidl] add [[ErrorData]] slot to DOMExceptions (PR #1421)

[whatwg/webidl] Add a `disposer` keyword for disposal methods (Issue #1459)

[whatwg/webidl] Consider adding a URLString type (Issue #1454)

[whatwg/webidl] Hamestan (Issue #1456)

[whatwg/webidl] provide clearer advice about USVString vs. DOMString (#84)

[whatwg/webidl] rubelall (Issue #1457)

[whatwg/xhr] Extract credit card details (Issue #393)

[WICG/webcomponents] 2025 Q1 Face-to-face (Issue #1083)

[WICG/webcomponents] [declarative-custom-elements] do we need DOM parts or any template mechanism in spec? (Issue #1090)

[WICG/webcomponents] [element-internals] How to get internals in base class and subclass, without leaking it to public (Issue #962)

[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] Consider future expansion to allow using a registry without new API (Issue #1043)

[WICG/webcomponents] [scoped-registries] What does `new` mean for elements in multiple registries? (Issue #1007)

[WICG/webcomponents] Cleaning up (undefining) custom elements? (#754)

[WICG/webcomponents] Exploration: HTML Module Imports and Exports (Issue #1059)

[WICG/webcomponents] I don't think First Party Sets is necessary for this. The behavior described sounds like triple-keying rather than double-keying; otherwise, the page and a frame it embeds would both be getting resources from the same cache partition. (Issue #1088)

[WICG/webcomponents] Interaction with HTML element's overridden constructor steps (Issue #969)

[WICG/webcomponents] Moving elements with shadow roots between documents (#907)

[WICG/webcomponents] Possibile way for cross shadowDom exclusive interactive elements (Issue #1054)

[WICG/webcomponents] Provide a mechanism to prevent or coalesce upgrades when defining new custom elements (#922)

[WICG/webcomponents] Reference Target naming (Issue #1087)

[WICG/webcomponents] Reference Target Tracking Issue (Issue #1086)

[WICG/webcomponents] Reference Target: How should we treat invalid reference targets for relations set via Element IDL attributes? (Issue #1089)

[WICG/webcomponents] Reference Target: What about IDL attributes? (Issue #1089)

[WICG/webcomponents] Reference Target: Which attributes are in scope? (Issue #1091)

[WICG/webcomponents] Scoped Custom Element Registries (#716)

[WICG/webcomponents] Should <link rel="stylesheet"> work inside shadow DOM? (#530)

[WICG/webcomponents] The MountObserver api, an alternative lazy custom element definition proposal (#896)

[WICG/webcomponents] Web components authors are currently using ARIA in problematic ways that lead to duplicate announcements (Issue #1073)

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 December 2024 16:47:25 UTC