Re: [whatwg/streams] Editorial: small cleanup after #1326 (PR #1336)

@MattiasBuelens commented on this pull request.

Thanks! Would you mind updating the reference implementation to reflect these changes?

> +  1. [=While=] |filledPullIntos|'s [=list/size=] < !
+     [$ReadableStreamGetNumReadIntoRequests$](|stream|),

Nice! 😁 

> @@ -3458,18 +3457,18 @@ The following abstract operations support the implementation of the
      queue entry/byte length=]).
   1. Let |destStart| be |pullIntoDescriptor|'s [=pull-into descriptor/byte offset=] +
      |pullIntoDescriptor|'s [=pull-into descriptor/bytes filled=].
-  1. Assert: ! [$CanCopyDataBlockBytes$](|pullIntoDescriptor|'s [=pull-into descriptor/buffer=],
-     |destStart|, |headOfQueue|'s [=readable byte stream queue entry/buffer=],
+  1. Let |descriptorBuffer| be |pullIntoDescriptor|'s [=pull-into descriptor/buffer=].
+  1. Let |queueBuffer| be |headOfQueue|'s [=readable byte stream queue entry/buffer=].
+  1. Assert: ! [$CanCopyDataBlockBytes$](|descriptorBuffer|, |destStart|, |queueBuffer|,
      |headOfQueue|'s [=readable byte stream queue entry/byte offset=], |bytesToCopy|) is true.

"headOfQueue's byte offset" appears both in the `CanCopyDataBlockBytes` assertion and in the `CopyDataBlockBytes` call below. Should we also introduce a variable for it?

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Message ID: <whatwg/streams/pull/1336/review/>

Received on Sunday, 22 December 2024 10:46:59 UTC