<time> values in HTML5
- Robert Leif (Thursday, 24 November)
- John Cowan (Tuesday, 22 November)
- Liam R E Quin (Tuesday, 22 November)
- John Cowan (Tuesday, 22 November)
- Liam R E Quin (Tuesday, 22 November)
- John Cowan (Tuesday, 22 November)
- Tantek Çelik (Monday, 21 November)
- Julian Reschke (Monday, 21 November)
- Tantek Çelik (Monday, 21 November)
- John Cowan (Monday, 21 November)
- Jeni Tennison (Saturday, 19 November)
- Liam R E Quin (Saturday, 19 November)
- Gregg Kellogg (Saturday, 19 November)
- Jeni Tennison (Saturday, 19 November)
@rel and @property symmetry
Admin issue on publication vs. charter
Agenda for telco, 2011-11-17
Behavior of @property with @typeof and incomplete triples
Change on typeof? (Was Re: The processing rules for property/rel)
Closure of ISSUE-113, based on your Last Call comments
Closure of ISSUE-116, based on your Last Call comments
Default Vocabulary for datatype: datatypeLibrary attribute
Diagram on processing
Fwd: Link relations in RDFa (Was: Re: Guidance on publishing in multiple formats)
Fwd: Parsing Microdata into RDF Graphs: URI Comparison (relevant to ISSUE-114)
Fwd: URL/URI/IRI resolution in HTML5/RDF/RDFa
Fwd: Using @resource instead of @about in RDFa Lite (ISSUE-119)
FYI: W3C editor's draft for RDFa 1.1 Lite
ISSUE-114 (HTML5 @href as URL): HTML5 content model for @href/@src coerces values to URLs [RDFa 1.1 in HTML5]
ISSUE-115 (fragid explanation): Explanation on the Fragment ID in @about may be misleading [RDFa 1.1 Lite]
ISSUE-116 (vocab-owl): Consider owl terms for vocab expansion [2nd LC Comment - RDFa Core 1.1]
ISSUE-117 (about-on-HTML): Consider disallowing @about on <html> [RDFa 1.1 in HTML5]
- Ivan Herman (Sunday, 20 November)
- Mark Birbeck (Sunday, 20 November)
- Ivan Herman (Sunday, 20 November)
- Mark Birbeck (Sunday, 20 November)
- Ivan Herman (Saturday, 19 November)
- Niklas Lindström (Thursday, 17 November)
- Toby Inkster (Wednesday, 16 November)
- Ivan Herman (Wednesday, 16 November)
- Toby Inkster (Wednesday, 16 November)
- Ivan Herman (Wednesday, 16 November)
- Toby Inkster (Tuesday, 15 November)
- RDF Web Applications Working Group Issue Tracker (Tuesday, 15 November)
ISSUE-118 (term syntax): Should we consider allowing the '/' character in a term [LC Comment - RDFa Core 1.1]
ISSUE-119 (lite-resource): Should we concider adding @resource to RDFa Lite and drop @about instead? [RDFa 1.1 Lite]
ISSUE-120: This would mean adding to the current set of terms owl:equivalentProperty and owl:equivalentClass.
ISSUE-121: Using @id to set subject in RDFa [LC Comment - RDFa Core 1.1]
ISSUE: Using @id to set subject in RDFa
ISSUE: Using @id to set subject in RDFa (ISSUE-121)
JSON-LD and the RDFa distiller
Just checking out where we are with RDFa issues
Last call comment admin: resolution of ISSUE-97
Link relations in RDFa (Was: Re: Guidance on publishing in multiple formats)
Link relations in RDFa (Was: Re: Guidance on publishing in multiple formats) (ISSUE-108)
Linking to @about in RDFa Lite?
Linking to @about in RDFa Lite? (ISSUE-115)
Looking at HTML Literal
Looking at the time element (again) (ISSUE-97)
- Ivan Herman (Friday, 11 November)
- Gregg Kellogg (Friday, 11 November)
- Niklas Lindström (Friday, 11 November)
- Jeni Tennison (Friday, 11 November)
- Ivan Herman (Friday, 11 November)
- Jeni Tennison (Friday, 11 November)
- Niklas Lindström (Friday, 11 November)
- Ivan Herman (Friday, 11 November)
- Toby Inkster (Friday, 11 November)
- Jeni Tennison (Thursday, 10 November)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 10 November)
- Ivan Herman (Thursday, 10 November)
- Shane McCarron (Thursday, 10 November)
- Niklas Lindström (Thursday, 10 November)
- Felix Sasaki (Thursday, 10 November)
- Ivan Herman (Thursday, 10 November)
- Gregg Kellogg (Thursday, 10 November)
- Shane McCarron (Thursday, 10 November)
- Gregg Kellogg (Thursday, 10 November)
- Ivan Herman (Thursday, 10 November)
- Shane McCarron (Thursday, 10 November)
- Ivan Herman (Thursday, 10 November)
Maybe a new pandora's box? '/' in a CURIE
Maybe a new pandora's box? '/' in a CURIE (ISSUE-118)
Maybe a new pandora's box? '/' in a term (not CURIE!)
Mixing-up Semantic Data with HTML Rendering
My opinions on the remaining issues (ISSUE-108, ISSUE-114, ISSUE-115, ISSUE-117, ISSUE-119, ISSUE-121)
New editors' draft for core
Non-serious comparison of RDFa 1.1 and 1.0...
On the meeting of *next week*
on the OWL terms
Plan of action / this weeks telco cancelled
Property and Typeof Wiki (ACTION-101)
Property and Typeof Wiki (ACTION-101) (ACTION-102)
RDFa 1.1 Core updated
RDFa Lite - New publication-ready First Public Working Draft
schema.org and rdfa 1.1
Small comment on RDFa: @content and <meta>?
Suggestion for 10.2.1 RDFa core - mention owl:equivalentClass and owl:equivalentProperty as useful documentation
Telecon Agenda - December 1st 2011, 1400 UTC
Telecon Agenda - November 10th 2011, 1400 UTC
Telecon Agenda - November 3rd 2011, 1400 UTC
Thank you for the detailed documentation
The current technical proposals to answer to the schema.org related issues on RDFa 1.1
The processing rules for property/rel
Traces of RDFa profiles remain in rdfa-core
Triple(s) that describe the vocabulary
- Niklas Lindström (Sunday, 27 November)
- Toby Inkster (Sunday, 13 November)
- Niklas Lindström (Sunday, 13 November)
- Ivan Herman (Sunday, 13 November)
- Toby Inkster (Saturday, 12 November)
- Shane McCarron (Friday, 11 November)
- Ivan Herman (Friday, 11 November)
- Niklas Lindström (Friday, 11 November)
- Ivan Herman (Friday, 11 November)
- Shane McCarron (Friday, 11 November)
Updated RDFa Core Source to implement resolution on ISSUE-118
Updated the Primer
Updated the Src file for the RDFa Core, implementing the resolution on ISSUE-116
Using @resource instead of @about in RDFa Lite
Using @resource instead of @about in RDFa Lite (ISSUE-119)
We may have a <date> element for HTML5 after all...
Web Crawl Regexes for RDFa
Would RDFa support Named Graph ?
Last message date: Tuesday, 29 November 2011 03:37:00 UTC