Re: Linking to @about in RDFa Lite?

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Toby Inkster <> wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Nov 2011 10:03:32 +0100
> Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>> We could, of course, discuss the possibility for @id to be _accepted_
>> by an RDFa processor as an @about
> eRDF (Ian Davis' pre-RDFa experiment in embedding RDF in HTML) does
> precisely this: uses @id to set the subject for triples.
> It's quite possibly the single most horrible feature of eRDF.
> Just because you add id="heading_block" to a <div> element, odoesn't
> mean you want the <h1 property="dc:title"> nested inside there to stop
> referring to the document as a whole.


  This is why I phrased it as "marking @id attributes as visible to an
RDFa (lite?) processor". Perhaps too subtle but I definitely would not
want to generate more junk triples than already occur.

 "It's quite possibly the single most horrible feature of eRDF."
Resisting hyperbole, I'd say let's look for a middle ground.

 Perhaps @id in combination with @typeof triggers RDFa processing of
the @id. Or perhaps define a character string (I hesitate to use the
word "prefix") that disables the processing. If some of my @id values
are used only to implement local styling, it's not really a problem
for them to start with "nordf_" or some other user-defined sequence.

What I do want to be able to do is something like

  <li id="item1" typeof="ex:mytype">
    Value 1 = <span property="value1">foo</span>
    Value 2 = <span property="value2">bar</span>
  <li id="item2" typeof="ex:mytype">

 and have that produce decent looking triples without having to
introduce @about. And it's not just laziness on my part that wants
this (though I embrace my own laziness as an instigator of
efficiency). It's simplicity, readability and maintainability that I'm

 I use the similar rdf:ID construct frequently so am asking for it to
have an analogy in RDFa.


Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2011 16:02:25 UTC