Re: Property and Typeof Wiki (ACTION-101) (ACTION-102)

I have made some changes on [1]: one of the test cases was erroneous (the HTML part was wrong), I have added 2 more test cases, and, most importantly, I have updated the processing steps so that it now covers both the @property and the @typeof changes.

I have an implementation running locally, passing all the tests on the page. However, my implementation does not follow 100% the processing steps, ie, it differs slightly from what is written there. Would be good if somebody made a thorough check on those.

I think we should really share this page, asap, with the HTML Data task force as well as the people. Gregg and I did not want to do that until we get at least some approval from the group... Anybody?



On Nov 4, 2011, at 14:50 , Ivan Herman wrote:

> ... and I have made additions and some changes on the page. In particular, I have added a more detailed description on the rules, and I have also added a new version of the RDFa 1.1 example of the page.
> Would be good to have a green light on sending this reference to Guha, DanBri, Peter, to gather feedbacks asap
> Ivan
> Tracker, for ACTION-102, this completes my action

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Monday, 7 November 2011 13:08:50 UTC