Re: The processing rules for property/rel

On Nov 1, 2011, at 14:35 , Toby Inkster wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:22:31 +0100
> Ivan Herman <> wrote:
>> with the maximalist @property behaviour I believe what would be
>> needed is:
>> [[[
>> <div typeof="">
>> <div property="offers" typeof="">
>>   Priced from: <span property="lowPrice">$35</span>
>>   <span property="offerCount">1938</span> tickets left
>> </div>
>> </div>
>> ]]]
> Surely any change that allowed the above would also change the meaning
> of:
> 	<cite typeof="bibo:Book"
> 	  property="dc:title">Murder at End House</cite>

Yes it would indeed. The probable way of doing that would be

<cite typeof="bibo:Book"><span property="dc:title">Murder at End House</span></cite>

> Changing something simple and so well-established as that seems like a
> non-starter to me.
> I really don't see the fascination with aping microdata. Microdata
> already exists. We don't need to invent an exact clone of it. Microdata
> can't do all this in one element:
> 	<a about="/#i" typeof="foaf:Person"
> 	   rel="foaf:homepage" rev="foaf:primaryTopic" href="/"
> 	   property="foaf:name">Toby Inkster</a>

True, it cannot. But I do not think that is really the goal; very very few people would ever use that type of combination of all possible features on one element. 

(Note, by the way, that if we disregard the latest discussion on @typeof, and look at the minimalist version of the @property change, that code would remain intact:-))

The question is not aping microdata. It is whether we can get non-sophisticated users use RDFa at least on the Lite level. That is a major difference.

To make it clear, I am not convinced of the @typeof changes myself but we have to understand the tradeoffs. In terms of usage pattern, the tradeoff is whether

<cite typeof="bibo:Book"
	  property="dc:title">Murder at End House</cite>

is really the widespread pattern, which also requires an enclosing @rel in a usual page, like

<div about="#me" rel="ex:I_own">
    <cite typeof="bibo:Book" property="dc:title">Murder at End House</cite>

and whether something like

<div about="#me property="ex:I_own" typeof="bibo:Book">
   <span property="dc:title">Murder at End House</cite>
   <span property="dc:publisher">Pinguin Books</cite>

would be a more 'friendly' usage. The jury is still out... Maybe Peter Mika (explicitly cc-d) can tell us based on the Yahoo experience...


> -- 
> Toby A Inkster
> <>
> <>

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Tuesday, 1 November 2011 15:00:03 UTC