Small comment on RDFa: @content and <meta>?

One minor comment on RDFa Lite.

RDFa Lite is described in terms of general RDFa Core, and I am fine with that. It also adds @content to the non-recognized attributes.

However, there is one case where I think that could be a problem. In HTML (4 and 5 alike), the @content attribute is _the_ attribute to give the, well, content of the meta. Its content model is empty, ie, there are no children. Consequently, <meta> could not be used as part of RDFa 1.1 Lite + HTML, which I think is a problem.

B.t.w., and I know this was discussed in the past, I wonder whether the @name attribute of <meta> should not be accepted as a synonym for property (only on the <meta> element!). I do not feel very strongly about this, but I thought I would raise it anyway.

Should we raise this as an official issue for RDFa Lite?


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Wednesday, 9 November 2011 09:17:56 UTC