Re: The processing rules for property/rel

On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:22:31 +0100
Ivan Herman <> wrote:

> with the maximalist @property behaviour I believe what would be
> needed is:
> [[[
> <div typeof="">
>  <div property="offers" typeof="">
>    Priced from: <span property="lowPrice">$35</span>
>    <span property="offerCount">1938</span> tickets left
>  </div>
> </div>
> ]]]

Surely any change that allowed the above would also change the meaning

	<cite typeof="bibo:Book"
	  property="dc:title">Murder at End House</cite>

Changing something simple and so well-established as that seems like a
non-starter to me.

I really don't see the fascination with aping microdata. Microdata
already exists. We don't need to invent an exact clone of it. Microdata
can't do all this in one element:

	<a about="/#i" typeof="foaf:Person"
	   rel="foaf:homepage" rev="foaf:primaryTopic" href="/"
	   property="foaf:name">Toby Inkster</a>

Toby A Inkster

Received on Tuesday, 1 November 2011 13:55:23 UTC