[alreq] Create node.js.yml (#284)
[alreq] Create SECURITY.md (#285)
[alreq] Does a final KASHMIRI YEH have a circle below it in Naskh style fonts? (#271)
[alreq] How to write negative numbers in Persian? (#288)
[alreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[alreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[alreq] Pull Request: Create node.js.yml
[alreq] Pull Request: Create SECURITY.md
[alreq] Single-letter Kashida (#281)
[alreq] Small circles should only appear below initial & medial forms of KASHMIRI YEH (#287)
[alreq] Test for alreq notifications: Please ignore (#286)
[bp-i18n-specdev] DOMString and protocols (#152)
[bp-i18n-specdev] Example of bengali grapheme clusters out fo data (#150)
[bp-i18n-specdev] Example of bengali grapheme clusters out of date (#150)
[bp-i18n-specdev] Mention `IsomorphicString` and update `ByteString` guidance appropriately (#151)
[bp-i18n-specdev] new commits pushed by aphillips
[bp-i18n-specdev] Pull Request: Replace Bangla example, replace user-perceived character
[bp-i18n-specdev] Pull Request: Rework of the 'character' section
[bp-i18n-specdev] Pull Request: Update the char truncation section
[bp-i18n-specdev] Replace Bangla example, replace user-perceived character (#153)
[bp-i18n-specdev] Rework of the 'character' section (#155)
[bp-i18n-specdev] Rewrite the character introduction (#153)
[bp-i18n-specdev] Update the char truncation section (#154)
[charmod-norm] Add CONTRIBUTING.md (#218)
[charmod-norm] Add CONTRIBUTORS.md page and add github actions to automatically update it (#226)
[charmod-norm] Editorial fixes (#223)
[charmod-norm] new commits pushed by xfq
[charmod-norm] Pull Request: Add CONTRIBUTORS.md page and add github actions to automatically update it
[clreq] 4.2 註釋處理 (#348)
[clreq] [WIP] The glyphs of punctuation marks do not match the requirements for Chinese text layout (#430)
[clreq] Add "list and counter" as Section 6.5 (#663)
[clreq] Add info about when emphasis marks are not needed (#655)
[clreq] Add more link anchors (#202)
[clreq] Add more rules to Prohibition Rules for Unbreakable Marks (#656)
[clreq] Add picture of a basic pinyin example (#641)
[clreq] Attention needed for subscript characters (#146)
[clreq] audio elements in vertical writing mode (#232)
[clreq] Changing the structure of Chapter 4 (#285)
[clreq] checkme in 6.3.2 Punctuation Width Adjustment (#664)
[clreq] cjk-tally-mark and cjk-stem-branch counter styles (#228)
[clreq] Combinations of possible values for text-spacing in CSS (#230)
[clreq] fix: adjust note on mixed writing publications (#653)
[clreq] fix: improve wording in Chinese text for clarity (#652)
[clreq] Illustrations of headings (#658)
[clreq] Inconsistency between Chinese and English text (#647)
[clreq] Inline notes in light novels/轻小说中的行间注 (#651)
[clreq] Mainland Chinese parentheses ? (#252)
[clreq] Make the two-em dashes text clearer (#657)
[clreq] Mention emphasis mark in mixed text composition (#640)
[clreq] Multi-level counter styles (#646)
[clreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[clreq] new commits pushed by xfq
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 25 March)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 19 March)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 19 March)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 19 March)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Friday, 28 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Friday, 28 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Friday, 28 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 27 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 27 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 27 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Monday, 24 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 19 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 19 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Saturday, 8 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Friday, 17 January)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 16 January)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 16 January)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 16 January)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Monday, 6 January)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Monday, 6 January)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 2 January)
[clreq] No bopomofo ruby support (#241)
[clreq] No support for Kai and Fangsong generic font families (#587)
[clreq] Pull Request: Add info about when emphasis marks are not needed
[clreq] Pull Request: Add more rules to Prohibition Rules for Unbreakable Marks
[clreq] Pull Request: fix: adjust note on mixed writing publications
[clreq] Pull Request: fix: improve wording in Chinese text for clarity
[clreq] Pull Request: Make the two-em dashes text clearer
[clreq] Pull Request: Redo links in the lreq doc to match changes in clreq
[clreq] Pull Request: Revise translation of small words
[clreq] Pull Request: Supersedes #626
[clreq] Pull Request: Update the charter
[clreq] Pull Request: Use 'font style' instead of 'typeface'
[clreq] Punctuation not skipped by default for emphasis marks (#238)
[clreq] Redo links in the lreq doc to match changes in clreq (#661)
[clreq] Requirements for the layout of rosters (#268)
[clreq] Revise translation of small words (#645)
[clreq] Selecting ruby (#574)
[clreq] Short_version_of_the_question? (#649)
[clreq] Should bars in HTML progress, meter & input=range elements be read upwards or downwards in vertical text? (#500)
[clreq] sup in ruby? (#649)
[clreq] Supersedes #626 (#643)
[clreq] Suspicious translations 疑似缺字:`采`→`采用`? (#644)
[clreq] Test for clreq notifications: Please ignore (#650)
[clreq] Traditional Chinese version of README.md (#665)
[clreq] Update links in Script Resources (#654)
[clreq] Update the charter (#659)
[clreq] Use 'font style' instead of 'typeface' (#666)
[clreq] Where should tone marks be positioned when bopomofo appears over horizontal text? (#660)
[clreq] 「行尾点号悬挂」一节的问题 (#639)
[clreq] 中文术语修订:改「齐头尾对齐」「始末端对齐」为「两端对齐」 (#589)
[clreq] 中英文混排中标点符号的适用原则 (#632)
[clreq] 人名缩略翻译的处理 (#223)
[clreq] 人员名册的排版需求 (#268)
[clreq] 分栏 (#523)
[clreq] 疑似缺字:`采`→`采用`? (#644)
[clreq] 行间注在轻小说类文艺作品中的用法 (#662)
[clreq] 间隔号在外语人名缩写时所使用的字符 (#648)
[elreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[elreq] Test for elreq notifications: Please ignore (#137)
[elreq] What is a good Amharic font that can be used on Iterm? (#136)
[i18n-activity] "internationalization" section (#1713)
[i18n-activity] "localizable members" should be separately defined (#1703)
[i18n-activity] "security sensitive" items interaction with localization (#1709)
[i18n-activity] "Transformation Formats" might be clearer as character encoding? (#1981)
[i18n-activity] [css-fonts-4] all-small-caps vs unicameral scripts (#1987)
[i18n-activity] [css-fonts-4] Detection-prevention approach to the local font privacy issue (#1988)
[i18n-activity] [css-fonts] Add generic font family, Khmer Mul (#1833)
[i18n-activity] [css-fonts] Exploring better ways to balance privacy, i18n, design tradeoffs for local fonts (#1986)
[i18n-activity] [css-inline] Define how to synthesize `ideographic-over` and `ideographic-under` (#1970)
[i18n-activity] [css-text-4] Add 'text-spacing: trim-all'? (#1659)
[i18n-activity] [css-text-decor-3] Emphasis marks in Mongolian (#1992)
[i18n-activity] [css-text-decor] Mongolian Horizontal Preferred position is wrong (#1994)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] Handling 'widows' and 'orphans'. (#628)
[i18n-activity] [L3 CR] Internationalization Self-Review (#1989)
[i18n-activity] [meta][css-fonts-4] Index of local font issues: fingerprinting, I18n, privacy (#1991)
[i18n-activity] [WR/ARIB] Character Sets (#904)
[i18n-activity] `canTranslate` values `no`, `readily` and `afterDownload` are not internationalized? (#1855)
[i18n-activity] `i18n.getMessage()` pluralization (#1874)
[i18n-activity] `name` and `short_name` (and other localizable members) relationship to localization and a11y (#1708)
[i18n-activity] `With NFKC` variant considered harmful (#1974)
[i18n-activity] ACT does not require that the language of text is indicated (#1911)
[i18n-activity] Add an optional lang argument to OffscreenCanvas constructor (#1963)
[i18n-activity] Add locale-aware sorting (#766)
[i18n-activity] Add localization support for GPUCompilationMessage.message and GPUError.message (#1990)
[i18n-activity] Add optional `translations` member (#914)
[i18n-activity] C1 controls, Unicode line endings (#1982)
[i18n-activity] Clarification on `unicode-bidi` for `input type text` and `ruby` (#1971)
[i18n-activity] Copy_the_title_of_the_WG_issue_here (#1968)
[i18n-activity] Emphasis marks do not skip tilde (#1995)
[i18n-activity] Exclude other non-characters (#1972)
[i18n-activity] How are rule identifiers matched to one another? (#1910)
[i18n-activity] If gb18030 is revised, consider aligning the Encoding Standard (#1576)
[i18n-activity] Improve native user interface dropdown example? (#1423)
[i18n-activity] Internationalisation updates (normative) (#1993)
[i18n-activity] Internationalization Metadata for Human-readable Messages (#1516)
[i18n-activity] Is the ‘descriptive title’ used for matching? (#1912)
[i18n-activity] Issues with UTS #46 tests (#815)
[i18n-activity] Language tag handling (#1962)
[i18n-activity] language tag handling needs more attention (#1856)
[i18n-activity] language tag handling needs more attention (#1961)
[i18n-activity] Link and create harmony between this doc and charmod-norm (#1975)
[i18n-activity] MessageFormat 2 support (#1967)
[i18n-activity] Missing 'character encoding form'? (#1976)
[i18n-activity] Missing discussion of surrogates? (#1977)
[i18n-activity] More IDNA roundtrippability issues (#1797)
[i18n-activity] new commits pushed by r12a
[i18n-activity] new commits pushed by xfq
[i18n-activity] New section about IRIs (#1966)
[i18n-activity] NFC and specifications (#1979)
[i18n-activity] No language/direction metadata or overrides for shortcuts (#1701)
[i18n-activity] Programmatically determine the language of text (#1882)
[i18n-activity] Quibbles about characters and code points (#1980)
[i18n-activity] Quirks in the history? (#1978)
[i18n-activity] Reference for punycode-encoding of IDN (#1758)
[i18n-activity] Relationship to CRLF line endings (#1973)
[i18n-activity] relax the var to allow utf8 encoding in the wat syntax (#1774)
[i18n-activity] Replacement character examples (#1983)
[i18n-activity] Security considerations statement perhaps too bold? (#1984)
[i18n-activity] Short_but_informative_title_here (#1969)
[i18n-activity] Short_but_informative_title_here (#1972)
[i18n-activity] Short_but_informative_title_here (#1985)
[i18n-activity] shortcuts and localizability (#1710)
[i18n-activity] Should ACT require the formats for rules to be localizable? (#1909)
[i18n-activity] Update to Unicode 16.0.0 (#1955)
[i18n-activity] Use of `CanonicalizeUnicodeLocaleId` (#1707)
[i18n-activity] What is the correct answer for `detect()` on a multilingual string? (#1920)
[i18n-discuss] [notes/ruby-content-model] ISSUE_TITLE_HERE (#47)
[i18n-discuss] Text appearance, accessibility, and internationalization (#46)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 20 February)
- MURATA Makoto via GitHub (Thursday, 13 February)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 13 February)
- MURATA Makoto via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Wendy Reid via GitHub (Thursday, 6 February)
- MURATA Makoto via GitHub (Thursday, 6 February)
- DJ Chase via GitHub (Tuesday, 28 January)
- MURATA Makoto via GitHub (Saturday, 25 January)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 24 January)
- fantasai via GitHub (Friday, 24 January)
- fantasai via GitHub (Friday, 24 January)
- Wendy Reid via GitHub (Thursday, 23 January)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-choosing-language-tags] BRIEF_TITLE_GOES_HERE (#633)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-indic-graphemes] Update needed for conjucts and graphemes (#631)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-lang-priorities] BRIEF_TITLE_GOES_HERE (#639)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Counters should be at the center of a line (#612)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] first example not mainstream enough? (#615)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Japanese vertical itemized lists (#620)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Large number of items and CJK punctuation characters (#626)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] List of properties applying to ::marker is incomplete (#632)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Mongolian lists & counters (#625)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Round border of ::marker for circled decimal (#627)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] The example looks unnatural (#621)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-what-is-encoding] BRIEF_TITLE_GOES_HERE (#635)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-what-is-encoding] BRIEF_TITLE_GOES_HERE (#636)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-what-is-encoding] BRIEF_TITLE_GOES_HERE (#637)
[i18n-drafts] Deprecate qa-validator-charset-check (#638)
[i18n-drafts] ICANN UA (#628)
[i18n-drafts] new commits pushed by r12a
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 7 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 7 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 7 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 6 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 6 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 6 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 6 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 5 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 28 February)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 February)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 14 February)
- r12a via GitHub (Saturday, 25 January)
- r12a via GitHub (Saturday, 25 January)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 21 January)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 21 January)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 21 January)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 10 January)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 10 January)
[i18n-drafts] new commits pushed by xfq
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: Deprecate qa-validator-charset-check
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: Update qa-indic-graphemes.en.html
[i18n-drafts] Update qa-indic-graphemes.en.html (#634)
[iip] Does the ilreq ABNF work for consonant clusters that don't form conjuncts? (#18)
[iip] Grapheme clusters fail to represent syllabic conjuncts in Bengali, Devanagari, and Gujarati — FIXED ! (#87)
[iip] new commits pushed by r12a
[iip] new commits pushed by xfq
[iip] Test for iip notifications: Please ignore (#142)
[ilreq] Discussion of grapheme clusters in ilreq usng pre-Unicode 15.1 definitions (#43)
[jlreq-d] Add a note about two rubies touching each other around a fullwidth space (#76)
[jlreq-d] Clarify whether embedded Chinese text should follow Japanese or Chinese rules (#79)
[jlreq-d] JLReq-d presentation @ JEPA (#25)
[jlreq-d] new commits pushed by kidayasuo
[jlreq-d] new commits pushed by KobayashiToshi
[jlreq-d] Punctuation not skipped by default for emphasis marks (#80)
[jlreq-d] What is an interlinear annotation? (#75)
[jlreq] Add new changes subsection for 20200811 to now (#450)
[jlreq] added changes section 2025/01 (#451)
[jlreq] added link to docs/ and list of existing ones (#301)
[jlreq] Bandwidth quota of Git LFS Data (#454)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Friday, 14 March)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Thursday, 13 March)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Thursday, 13 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 13 March)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Thursday, 13 March)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 March)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Thursday, 13 March)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 March)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Friday, 28 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Friday, 28 February)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 February)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 February)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Denis Ah-Kang via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
[jlreq] Emphasis is different from Latin. There is interest in codifying how emphasis is done typographically for various scripts including Japanese (#430)
[jlreq] List and list marker layout (#449)
[jlreq] new commits pushed by deniak
[jlreq] new commits pushed by himorin
[jlreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[jlreq] Pull Request: added changes section 2025/01
[jlreq] Pull Request: remove git LFS files
[jlreq] Pull Request: Turning editors into contributor section
[jlreq] Punctuation not skipped by default for emphasis marks (#456)
[jlreq] Punctuation not skipped by default for emphasis marks (#457)
[jlreq] Test for jlreq notifications: Please ignore (#452)
[jlreq] test template for discussion/meetingnotes (#445)
[jlreq] Turning editors into contributor section (#453)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 March)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Monday, 3 March)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 February)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Wednesday, 26 February)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 February)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Monday, 17 February)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Yasuo Kida (木田泰夫) via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 February)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Monday, 10 February)
[jlreq] update lang switch for recent (3y) respec html change (#419)
[jlreq] Use W3C Software and Document license (#326)
[klreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[klreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[klreq] Test for klreq notifications: Please ignore (#61)
[predefined-counter-styles] Font support in circled-decimal and parenthesized-decimal (#68)
[predefined-counter-styles] new commits pushed by r12a
[predefined-counter-styles] new commits pushed by xfq
[string-search] Markup fixes (#26)
[string-search] new commits pushed by xfq
[string-search] Pull Request: Markup fixes
[tlreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[tlreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[tlreq] Test for tlreq notifications: Please ignore (#17)
[typography] Broken links (#103)
[typography] Convert vertical_text to writing_mode (#104)
[typography] new commits pushed by r12a
[typography] new commits pushed by xfq
[typography] Pull Request: Convert vertical_text to writing_mode
[typography] Rare Han characters (#86)
[typography] Use title case (#96)
Closed: [alreq] Does a final KASHMIRI YEH have a circle below it in Naskh style fonts? (#271)
Closed: [alreq] Test for alreq notifications: Please ignore (#286)
Closed: [bp-i18n-specdev] Example of bengali grapheme clusters out of date (#150)
Closed: [bp-i18n-specdev] Update truncation with illustration/text modeled on webauthn (#49)
Closed: [clreq] Add more link anchors (#202)
Closed: [clreq] Changing the structure of Chapter 4 (#285)
Closed: [clreq] checkme in 6.3.2 Punctuation Width Adjustment (#664)
Closed: [clreq] cjk-tally-mark and cjk-stem-branch counter styles (#228)
Closed: [clreq] Combinations of possible values for text-spacing in CSS (#230)
Closed: [clreq] Do emphasis marks swap sides when JA is embedded in ZH? (#149)
Closed: [clreq] Emphasis marks shan’t be used for other punctuation (#96)
Closed: [clreq] English text with no corresponding text in Chinese (#261)
Closed: [clreq] Inconsistency between Chinese and English text (#647)
Closed: [clreq] Mainland Chinese parentheses ? (#252)
Closed: [clreq] More rules in Prohibition Rules for Unbreakable Marks 符号分离禁则 (#262)
Closed: [clreq] 中文术语修订:改「行头」为「行首」 (#588)
Closed: [clreq] 中文术语修订:改「齐头尾对齐」「始末端对齐」为「两端对齐」 (#589)
Closed: [i18n-activity] "internationalization" section (#1713)
Closed: [i18n-activity] "localizable members" should be separately defined (#1703)
Closed: [i18n-activity] "security sensitive" items interaction with localization (#1709)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [css-fonts] Add generic font family, Khmer Mul (#1833)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [css-text] Handling 'widows' and 'orphans'. (#628)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [WR/ARIB] Character Sets (#904)
Closed: [i18n-activity] `canTranslate` values `no`, `readily` and `afterDownload` are not internationalized? (#1855)
Closed: [i18n-activity] `i18n.getMessage()` pluralization (#1874)
Closed: [i18n-activity] `name` and `short_name` (and other localizable members) relationship to localization and a11y (#1708)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Add an optional lang argument to OffscreenCanvas constructor (#1963)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Add locale-aware sorting (#766)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Add optional `translations` member (#914)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Copy_the_title_of_the_WG_issue_here (#1968)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Detecting the destination language of the browser's built-in translation (#1938)
Closed: [i18n-activity] If gb18030 is revised, consider aligning the Encoding Standard (#1576)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Improve native user interface dropdown example? (#1423)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Internationalization Metadata for Human-readable Messages (#1516)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Issues with UTS #46 tests (#815)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Language tag handling (#1962)
Closed: [i18n-activity] language tag handling needs more attention (#1856)
Closed: [i18n-activity] language tag handling needs more attention (#1961)
Closed: [i18n-activity] More IDNA roundtrippability issues (#1797)
Closed: [i18n-activity] No language/direction metadata or overrides for shortcuts (#1701)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Programmatically determine the language of text (#1882)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Refer to i18n test pages (#196)
Closed: [i18n-activity] relax the var to allow utf8 encoding in the wat syntax (#1774)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Short_but_informative_title_here (#1969)
Closed: [i18n-activity] shortcuts and localizability (#1710)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Should ACT require the formats for rules to be localizable? (#1909)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Undeprecate <plaintext>, it is needed for portable text files (#1965)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Update to Unicode 16.0.0 (#1955)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Use of `CanonicalizeUnicodeLocaleId` (#1707)
Closed: [i18n-activity] What is the correct answer for `detect()` on a multilingual string? (#1920)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [qa-http-and-lang] Be clear about “some features and not others that are affected by language” (#337)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-choosing-language-tags] BRIEF_TITLE_GOES_HERE (#633)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-indic-graphemes] Update needed for conjucts and graphemes (#631)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-lang-priorities] BRIEF_TITLE_GOES_HERE (#639)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Counters should be at the center of a line (#612)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] first example not mainstream enough? (#615)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Japanese vertical itemized lists (#620)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Large number of items and CJK punctuation characters (#626)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] List of properties applying to ::marker is incomplete (#632)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] Round border of ::marker for circled decimal (#627)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-upright-counters-in-vertical] The example looks unnatural (#621)
Closed: [iip] Test for iip notifications: Please ignore (#142)
Closed: [iip] Typo (#134)
Closed: [jlreq] Add new changes subsection for 20200811 to now (#450)
Closed: [jlreq] Bandwidth quota of Git LFS Data (#454)
Closed: [jlreq] need to update multi-language script per recent respec update (#311)
Closed: [jlreq] Switch the language of the title (#321)
Closed: [typography] Broken links (#103)
Closed: [typography] Use title case? (#88)
Last message date: Wednesday, 26 March 2025 11:55:40 UTC