from November 2017 by subject

ACTION-65: Provide info for introduction (Dataset Exchange Working Group)

Agenda for f2f updated

Agenda for f2f, Nov 9 & 10

Agenda for Tuesday November 14th

Agenda for Tuesday November 21st

Agenda for Tuesday November 7th

Another possible f2f agenda

dxwg-ACTION-53: Add alejandra to regrets on

dxwg-ACTION-54: Rewrite requirement 6.6.1

dxwg-ACTION-55: Rewrite 6.27 and 6.28

dxwg-ACTION-56: Put out a call for use cases for profiles

dxwg-ACTION-57: Write up changes to ucr doc implied by f2f resolutions

dxwg-ACTION-58: Ucr team to bring draft to group by nov 28th.

dxwg-ACTION-59: Write up a general case for requirements 6.27 and 6.28

dxwg-ACTION-60: Put call out for dcat group to email list

dxwg-ACTION-61: Rewrite 6.6.1

dxwg-ACTION-61: Rewrite 6.6.1 (now 6.2.2)

dxwg-ACTION-62: Copy over dcat 1.0 to github, making necessary changes

dxwg-ACTION-63: Compare lists and add any that are missing

dxwg-ACTION-64: Add requirements for profiles from spreadsheet to ucr

dxwg-ACTION-65: Provide info for introduction

Editorial changes to requirements TOC / Ask for comments

Formation of DCAT group

Fwd: [w3c/dxwg] Suggestion for changes in the abstract (#43)

Fwd: dxwg-ACTION-62: Copy over dcat 1.0 to github, making necessary changes

Fwd: Re: Analysis of DCAT profiles / Available online

How to link a dataset to its superset?

Invitation to participate in TPAC session on Web data standardisation

kcoyle schedule Nov 23-Dec11

Meeting November 28

Negotiating profiles document

Post f2f update

Post f2f update / Regrets for today

Quick question from last nights meeting (14.11.2017)

Registering for TPAC

Relating versions and UC47 (Define update method)

Reminder: Tuesday's call 21:00 UTC

Requirement 6.8.1

Requirements for profiles

Setting a time for Profiles discussion

Today's meeting link

UCR hard deadline

Updated github

W3C Questionnaire on on Practices and Tooling for Web Data Standardization

Last message date: Thursday, 30 November 2017 21:06:02 UTC