from July to September 1996 by subject

"charset" issue is closed in HTTP-WG

(no subject)

(revised) HTTP working group status

201 created on PUT Method etc


[ document about P-HTTP/TCP interactions]

[ http digest auth + http 1.1?]

Am I a ghost?

another content-negotiation script

Another Typo?

Any interest in automatic link-updating?

Apache and cookies

Apache Cookie Log Analyzer (was: Re: hit-metering poll)

Authenticated Transactions: Why Wait Another Year?

Authentication issue

automatic retrying of requests

Beyond 1.1

BIG APOLOGY re: PEP & revised PEP status

caching ideas

Call for compatibility testers

Call for opinions on Negotiate header

Call for Papers - Global Internet - IEEE Communications Magazine

charset bugs (was: proposed HTTP changes for charset)

charset flap

chopping list

Comments on new conneg draft

Confusion about Age: accuracy vs. safety

Content negotiation draft 03 available

Content negotiation implementations available

Conventions for Sharing User Agent Profiles

Conversion Program


Digest Auth (fwd)

digest vs basic

Distributed Authoring Requirements Draft

Draft 06 submitted to internet drafts directory.






drafts please

Editorial Revisions to Digest Authentication Spec

Entity Tags

Feature tag registration

FYI, resolution of "Digest" issue

Handling ambiguous requests

hit-metering poll

HTTP 1.1 Server Available for Testing

HTTP 1.1, rev 6 comments

HTTP 1.1: Horse out of the barn

HTTP State Management Mechanism draft question

HTTP working group status

HTTP working group status & issues (please reply)

http-state-mgmt-03.txt changes


HTTP/1.1 + Digest

HTTP/1.1 draft 12 aug 1996 and content encodings

HTTP/1.1 draft 6, minor EDIT

HTTP/1.1, queries, and redirect

HTTP/1.2 topics and beyond

Hyphens and under bars

I-D ACTION:draft-holtman-http-negotiation-02.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-holtman-http-negotiation-03.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-digest-aa-05.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-pep-00.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-state-mgmt-03.txt, .ps

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-06.txt, .ps

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-07.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-07.txt, .ps


idempotence of POST

If-Range Question

image transfer?

Is referer spelled wrong?

ISO-conformant Dates?

Language negotiation and robots

Last Call: A Proposed Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication to Proposed Standard

Last Call: Proposed HTTP State Management Mechanism to Proposed Standard

Lynx as a HTTP/1.0 application (was Re: Call for compatibility testers)

meeting at Dec 9-13 IETF in San Jose?

Meta data in anchors..

Microsoft Information Server HTTP incompliance...

MIME and Warning header syntax

Minor fixes to draft 05

Minor issues with HTTP 1.1 draft 6

Minor update to the status code table (section 6.1.1)

minutes, HTTP Working Group, IETF June 96, Montreal

more digest flap: warning

multi-host virtual sites for HTTP 1.2

Netscape vs. Digest

Netscape vs. Digest (?)

New content negotiation draft available

new digest-authentication internet draft submitted

New document on "HTTP/1.2 extension protocol" SOON

New document on "Simple hit-metering for HTTP"

new web analysis page available

Next draft of HTTP/1.1 spec...

Non-numeric feature tags

Opinions on Editorial Revisions to Digest Authentication Spec

PEP conflicting semantics

PEP name space collisions

Please publish draft-ietf-http-digest-aa-04.txt as an Internet Standard

Please publish draft-ietf-http-state-mgmt-03.txt as an Internet Standard


Problem with authentication challenge BNF and Digest

Problems with draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-07

proposed HTTP changes for charset

Protocol Action: A Proposed Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication to Proposed Standard

Protocol Action: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 to Proposed Standard

Question on Chunk-Size sect 3.6, 8/12/96

Questions about i18n support in HTTP

re-revised last last words

Remapping charsets

REPOST (was: HTTP working group status & issues)

resolution of digest issue

safe reload POST?

Server-side rendering engines

short names for headers

Sitcky headers and pipelining (was: Sticky header draft -- as an attachment)

Size of the Spec Was:Re: Beyond 1.1

Small Detail on Chunked Encoding

Starting HTTP-NG

Statistics on reusing request headers in persistent connections (repost)

Sticky header draft -- as an attachment

Sticky header perlim draft

Sticky headers and multiplexing (was: Sticky header draft -- as an attachment)

Sticky headers and pipelining (was: Sticky header draft -- as an attachment)

Sticky headers and pipelining (was: Sticky header draft --as an attachment)

Sticky stuff.

Strange proxy behavior

Submission of draft-holtman-http-negotiation-02.txt

Summary of opinions on Negotiate header

Syntax and sticky/compressed headers.

The Title header

these results sound very encouraging

Typo Correction

Unregistered charset values in HTTP 1.1, the ISO-8859-* values

useful document identification (was encouraging....)

Vary and Accept-Language

web directory listing

When to make objects uncacheable ?

When to send HTTP/1.1

wording nits: draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-07

Last message date: Monday, 30 September 1996 15:38:26 UTC