Re: re-revised last last words

There was a redundant sentence (with the last sentence of the
preceeding paragraph) in Larry's last version, and I did a bit
of reorganization.  This is what I ended up with:

Some HTTP/1.0 software has interpreted a Content-Type header without
charset parameter incorrectly to mean "recipient should guess."
Senders wishing to defeat this behavior MAY include a charset
parameter even when the charset is ISO-8859-1 and SHOULD do so when it
is known that it will not confuse the recipient.

Unfortunately, some older HTTP/1.0 clients did not deal properly with
an explicit charset parameter. HTTP/1.1 recipients MUST respect the
charset label provided by the sender; and those user agents that have
a provision to "guess" a charset MUST use the charset from the
content-type field if they support that charset, rather than the
recipient's preference, when initially displaying a document.

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 1996 17:25:08 UTC