- From: Alex Hopmann <hopmann@holonet.net>
- Date: 27 Aug 96 18:05:05 -0700
- To: http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com
>To the best of my >knowledge Microsoft also does not support digest. Some earlier >versions of MSIE supported digest authentication, but the latest >version has apparently withdrawn that support. (These comments are >only based on experience with the Mac version of MSIE so maybe things >are different with Windows). I was actually speaking with the MSIE folks about this just today- They removed the digest support because they couldn't find any servers to test it against. They have assured me that it will be back in the next version. Alex Hopmann ResNova Software hopmann@holonet.net http://www.resnova.com/
Received on Tuesday, 27 August 1996 18:10:15 UTC