- From: Jim Whitehead <ejw@ics.uci.edu>
- Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 11:56:53 -0400
- To: http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com
One issue which is not addressed within PEP is what should happen when there are semantic conflicts between PEP extensions. As a motivating example, consider if there are two extensions implemented on the same server. One is a "lock" extension, which includes LOCK and UNLOCK methods, where a lock means that a PUT on an entity is restricted to the owner of the lock. The other is a "metadata" extension, which includes methods for creating, modifying, reading, and querying attribute-value pairs on entities. The semantic conflict arises when one agent uses only the lock extension to lock an entity, and another agent uses the only the metadata extension and goes to create a new attribute on the same (locked) entity. Should the lock extension take precedence, and prevent the creation of the attribute? Or should the metadata extension be more important, and cause the creation of the attribute despite the existence of a lock? Furthermore, what if different server implementations answer these questions differently? It seems there should be a way for agents to discover if there are potential conflicts, thus allowing it to warn a user that the effects of an extension might be unpredictable. It should also be possible for a user to discover what extensions are active, even if their agent cannot intelligently handle them. - Jim
Received on Friday, 6 September 1996 09:06:17 UTC