- From: <hallam@etna.ai.mit.edu>
- Date: Mon, 12 Aug 96 17:39:46 -0400
- To: http-wg%cuckoo.hpl.hp.com@hplb.hpl.hp.com
- Cc: hallam@etna.ai.mit.edu
>Anyway, I would guess that if we can come up with a standard >encoding for the u-a-p resource pointed to by a u-a-p URL (and >which would be a prerequisite for any such scheme) then with >a little more effort we might be able to come up with compressed >encoding that could be transmitted in the request headers without >many more bytes that it would take to transmit the u-a-p URL. And >transmitting it in-band does solve the problems that might arise >from indirection. Pulling together Jeff's points of security and downloading in an intranet I see the specific weakness of Jim's scheme being that it uses URLs when in this particular case we could use something that has the properties of a URN. Let us start by defining for the sake of argument an Object Identifier URI which has a prefix OID:. We will describe a specific subcategory of these OIDs, specifically the set of identifiers which are a deterministic function of their designata, in this case via an unbiased one way function such as SHA-1. So our "URN"-ish identifier which for the sake of avoiding confusion with the URI requirements doc I will call a URS (Universal Resource Sign) is something like :- OID:SHA-khgq234o8t6quirgq2872135 Which refers to the headers h, where h = "Accept: text/plain, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg User-Agent: Linemode/64.5 " and BASE64(SHA(h)) = "khgq234o8t6quirgq2872135" The typical usage of this technique would be as follows :- GET http://foom.com/index.html http/1.2 Date: <whatever> Include: OID:SHA-khgq234o8t6quirgq2872135 Which would be equivalent to :- GET http://foom.com/index.html http/1.2 Date: <whatever> Accept: text/plain, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg User-Agent: Linemode/64.5 Now say that the server does not have the mapping for OID:SHA-khgq234o8t6quirgq2872135 avaliable. In that case it might either:- 1) Return a default value anyway - especially usefull if the content is invariate wrt the headers included by reference. 2) Ask for the expansion of the headers. 3) Say that it doesn't have time to play this game and that the client should respond in traditional manner. In the later case we might see :- 3xx Don't Follow You Server: frob/54.3 And the Client would then send some message to provide the appropriate binding or linkage, eg :- POST OID:SHA-khgq234o8t6quirgq2872135 http/1.2 Date: <whatever> Content-Type: application/http Accept: text/plain, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg User-Agent: Linemode/64.5 Perhaps the method in this case needs to be adjusted somewhat... Its not quite a POST, more a "RETRY" type of affair. Note that in all this we still need to have some way of avoiding the initial loosing trip problem. Unless we know that we are dealing with a 1.2 server we have to start talking 1.0 and tentatively upgrade. Who is interested in a DNS modification to provide for server profiles? I see that we could do some really interesting stuff with a very simple scheme. Here I would suggest that we go just a little bit further than the current DNS hacks suggested and provide a WebX record analogous to the MX record which contains a mapping table from URIs to URIs :- [Attached to record www.w3.org] WEBX http://www.w3.org/* 1 version=1.2 WEBX http://www.w3.org/* 2 interval=30sec version=1.2 WEBX http://www.w3.org/* 2 interval=1day version=1.2 WEBX http://www.w3.org/* 3 version=1.1 This means that there are four sites serving http:// type URIs. Server has firstness quality and uses protocol http/1.2, Servers and have secondness and also serve 1.2, has thirdness and is version 1.1. The firstness, secondness and thirdness are inspired by the trichotemy of Pierce. Basically this divides the relationship of a sign to its designatum into three categories. In the first category there is a direct connection between the sign and the thing designated by the sign. In the second category there is a conventional relationship between the sign and the designata, in the third category the sign relates to another sign. Loosely interperting these abstract categories in terms of HTTP we arrive at three different qualities of cache scheme :- Firstness: The server is either the authoratative source for the resources or it is guaranteed to behave in a smantically equivalent manner (e.g. two servers operating off a mirrored filestore with exact semantics) [Alternatively the relationship of the resource to the URL is either static or otheriwse known in advance] Secondness: The server is guaranteed to behave as the authoratative source would have done within a specified time interval. This is equivalent to a server which recieves change notifications from the originating host or some other host with quality firstness. Thirdness: There was at some time in the past a relationship between the two. This is CERN proxy style caching. The advantage of this division is that it maps very directly to three classes of server implementation with a range of implementation costs and functionality. It would be futile to try transaction control on a server with thirdness quality. On the other hand data from a server with secondness quality and a time constant of 30sec is likely to be as good as a direct connection from most people's point of view. I know that this is not the HTTP protocol per se but it is a method of addressing certain problems that are otherwise hard or impossible to avoid. I think we should think of the Web as a whole and not just towards small pieces that happen to fit in particular pockets. Phill [P.S., Yes you could call this a URN scheme if you really wanted but note that the scheme still defines a proceedure for retreiving a resource and hence is in fact a URL. The main concern of those asking for a naming scheme is addressed - the referent is insensitive to the actual server used [This could be improved upon by use of an "index" server offering redirections in response to requests".] On the other hand certain requirements proposed for URNs which were cited as essential are not met. Indeed I suspect that no mechanism which involves a resolution mechanism can ever meet those requirements. A name is merely a sign that has a conventional assosiation with its designatum, the binding occurs from the fact of common usage within a community ]
Received on Monday, 12 August 1996 14:36:32 UTC