Re: Remapping charsets

Mirsad Todorovac writes:

> In few last messages regarding charsets, I was to notice that many troubles
> could be handled via some character remapping mechanism.
> How this should work is as follows:
> -	let's suppose that browser cannot accept document charset, then
> 	document should be translated into charset which is supported
> 	by browser, but lest likely to loose some characters
> 	(Example: with CP-1250 and iso-8859-2 there are only some
> 		  swapped blocks of chars, says Dave, so then there should
> 		  never be a loss in conversion, but we don't need to have
> 		  both, duplicate versions of documents -- one for UN*X
> 		  machines, and one for Wind*ws CEE [and still more for
> 		  other platforms ...]
> 	)
> - conversion mechanism is simple transliteration, different codes are
>   being assigned for the same characters

RFC1345 actually provides specifications for doing such simple
transliteration, with fallbacks.

keld simonsen

Received on Saturday, 13 July 1996 04:59:07 UTC