Re: Question on Chunk-Size sect 3.6, 8/12/96

> Your description would require the ";" to immediately follow chunk-size 
> and padding to appear between  the ";" and CRLF.

Oops, right.  I forgot to add the chunk-ext change as well.

> The present known server and client implementations are handling this:
> #2       chunk          = chunk-size *(SP | HT) [ chunk-ext ] CRLF
>                         chunk-data CRLF
> Although one reference client doesn't parse [ chunk-ext ], and so
> might need a small hack to detect ";" and skip *(SP | HT) to the CRLF.

What are these "reference client" implementations?  Amaya isn't quite
ready yet (last I checked) and Henrik's line-mode browser still has
a couple things to implement.  Is there another?  I'd like to do more
testing as well.

> Another alternative could be:
> #3       chunk          = chunk-size *(SP | HT) [ chunk-ext ] *(SP | HT) CRLF
>                         chunk-data CRLF
> This would seem most robust, if a little longer.

Actually, I would put the *(SP | HT) inside the definition of chunk-ext
(before and after each ";").

 ...Roy T. Fielding
    Department of Information & Computer Science    (
    University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3425    fax:+1(714)824-4056

Received on Friday, 30 August 1996 14:42:38 UTC