Re: hit-metering poll

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Leach <> writes:

    Paul> I need data from any content providers on this list!  When
    Paul> you do hit counting:

There is an effort underway to define a MIB for http and web servers
in general.  There was a BOF on this at the 35th IETF in LA.  The 
work is summarized on the web at

Currently the latest draft is

Most probably this MIB development will become part of the charter of
the Applications MIB Working Group.

    Paul> Do you count HEADs and GETs as hits?

The MIB counts each request type individually (for each virtual server).

    Paul> Do you count conditional GETs that return 304 (Not modified)
    Paul> as hits?  (I.e., where the requester already had a copy of
    Paul> the page, and was just checking to see if it was
    Paul> up-to-date.)

It also counts each response type individually (for each virtual server).


Carl W. Kalbfleisch            This is the day which the LORD hath made;       we will rejoice and be glad in it.                              -- Psalm 118:24

Received on Tuesday, 6 August 1996 16:27:00 UTC