www-ws-desc@w3.org from April 2005 by subject

"Ambiguous" editorial action item

[draft] Agenda, 21-22 April 2005 WS Desc FTF, Mountain View

Add link to Primer to do list in group web page

Agenda, 15 April 2005 WS Desc telcon

Agenda, 21-22 April 2005 WS Desc FTF, Mountain View

Agenda, 28 April 2005 WS Desc telcon

Agenda, 7 April 2005 WS Desc telcon

Bindings: what happens when {address} is absent?

CFP: NYC WISE'05 Industry Track

Clarification for wsdl:required attribute needed

Clarification Text for Last Call Issue 59d - wsdlLocation

Compromise for formal objections

Consistency of WSDL Component property names

Contradictions regarding transitivity of wsdl:import

Fwd: FW: Is schemaLocation Required When Importing Inline Schemas?

HTTP Binding example for the Primer

Issue 107 - Schema for vector, matrix, array

LC 47 proposed resolution

LC107 and Inconsistent Component Names

LC54 Proposal

LC69a: XForms comments on (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 3: Bindings (a)

LC69b: support for multipart/related serialization in HTTP binding

LC74a: Proposed resolution for IRI support


LC76d follow-up: difference between SOAP header blocks and SOAP modules

LC77a Namespaced elements and urlformencoded

Media-type note: new wordings to take into account the issue that schema mapping tools have

Minutes, 14 April 2005 WS Description telcon

Minutes, 21-22 April 2005 WS Description WG FTF

Minutes, 28 April 2005 WS Description WG telcon

Minutes, 7 April 2005 WSDescription WG telcon

More illumination? ( was RE: Contradictions regarding transitivity of wsdl:import)

New Issue: Support of evolution of messages described in Schema 1.0

NEW ISSUE: use RDDL instead of XML Schema at the namespace URI?

Primer draft ready for review

Primer section for MEP examples

Primer Text for "Versioning and Service Equivalency"

Primer text for F&P

Probable regrets

Proposal for LC80: Contribution of Extensions to the Componen t Model

Proposal for LC80: Contribution of Extensions to the Component Model

Proposal for Resolution of LC99.: Message Reference Component is Underspecified

proposal to add an {action} property to message and fault reference components

Proposed changes for Media Types Note

Proposed resolution to LC 77a

Refrences editorial action item

Text for primer re: Multiple Interfaces for the Same Service

working on part1 editorial action items

WSDL 2.0 Interface tests

WSDL 2.0 Primer updated

wsdl primer example uses POST to check availability?

Yahoo! WebService WSDL

Last message date: Saturday, 30 April 2005 00:13:21 UTC